P. 99

In the maritime sector, connectivity   ing system’s national capabilities. In the
            is essential; however, although satel-  field of next-generation optical satellite
            lite-based connectivity is available, ter-  communications, in 2020, the European
            restrial telecommunications networks are   Space Agency chose the Chelmos Obser-
            often unavailable. Our Ministry is work-  vatory, the largest telescope in Central
            ing closely with all stakeholders, includ-  and Eastern Europe, as the first Opti-
            ing the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and   cal Ground Station (OGS) of the ESA’s
            Insular Policy, to provide space-based   ScyLight (Secure and Laser communica-
            connectivity. In addition, as announced   tion technology) programme. Chelmos
            by Minister Pierrakakis, the Ministry of  will also be utilised under the European
            Digital Governance is leading the devel-  Union Quantum Communication Infra-
            opment of a new national microsatellite   structure (EuroQCI).
            system for secure space-based connectiv-  In 2021, two additional optical ground sta-
            ity and earth observation to complement   tions, Skinakas in Crete and Cholomon-
            our Hellas Sat assets, responding to the   das in Thessaloniki, were also preparing to
            national need with various policies on   become part of the EuroQCI initiative. Last
            maritime, coast guard support, and island   summer, I had the opportunity to witness
            connectivity. We have recently connected   the first time the Chelmos Observatory
            several remote islands in the Greek ter-  connected with the optical terminal of the
            ritory via satellite with our national oper-  Alphasat geostationary satellite.
            ator to ensure the safety and security of   Greece has hosted one of the Coper-
            the country.                      nicus Collaborate Ground Segments at
            It is reminded that since 2017, Greece  the National Observatory of Athens since
            has had a specific Space Law regulat-  2014. This centre allows the access, util-
            ing space activities licensing and that   isation, and management of specialised
            a National Registry of Space Objects  information provided by the EU Coper-
            has been established. In 2020, Greece’s   nicus Programme. As indicated in the
            national policy objectives in the space   country’s Digital Transformation Strat-
            domain were laid down in a new digital   egy, the centre will be further upgraded
            law, which includes the following:  to be at the forefront of the Big Data
            1.   strengthening national security  era. Several presentations were made on
                and defence, primarily through the   this subject at the 1st Pytheas Maritime
                exploitation and development of   Space Forum.
                space infrastructure,         Thus, today Greece has a comprehen-
            2.   developing the national space indus-  sive legal policy and strategy frame-
                try,                          work, which supports and governs space
            3.  exploiting space data and develop-  activities in Greece, coupled with spe-
                ing related applications, and   cific programmatic activities. We are
            4.  supporting research and innovation   looking for complementarity and syn-
                in the field of space-based technol-  ergies between national, EU, and ESA
                ogies.                        programmes to maximise benefits for
            Furthermore, Greece’s Digital Transfor-  our country. With the motto “Space as
            mation Strategy for 2020-2025 describes   an enabler of digital transformation”
            specific actions that the government will   and a step-by-step approach, Greece
            undertake in the space domain in the fol-  is enhancing its capabilities and util-
            lowing years. Let me mention a couple of   ising and expanding its infrastructures,
            the activities we are currently working on.  promoting a more efficient public sec-
            I will begin with an update on the Govsat-  tor and providing benefits to its citi-
            com issue. As part of our plan’s implemen-  zens and businesses in the digital era.
            tation, during the visit of Commissioner   Maritime and Insular Policy is one of
            Thierry Breton to Greece, the Minister of   the sectorial areas that can benefit from
            Digital Governance Kyriakos Pierrakakis  this digital transformation.
            and the Minister of National Defense   We build on the assets of the country
            Nikolaos Panagiotopoulos offered to  and the hard work and excellence of our
            host in our country the European Gov-  industry, research institutes, and aca-
            satcom Hub, which will be based on  demia. Together, we will lead Greece to
            pooling and sharing the current operat-  the new space era.

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