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         for secure connectivity. Due to its global coverage
         capabilities, a secure Satcom system is the only
         choice to provide these remotely piloted ships
         with communication and connectivity systems, con-
         sidering that terrestrial infrastructures cannot be
         exploited in this case.
         It is abundantly evident that the combined strengths
         of our Space Programme’s components can meet
         user needs and policies related to all sectors of
         a sustainable blue economy. It is reminded that
         Greece’s long maritime tradition has allowed it to
         contribute significantly to the EU’s Blue Economy.
         As regards the 1st Pytheas Maritime Space Forum,
         the strong presence of younger generation profes-
         sionals and students was praiseworthy.
         Concluding, Pytheas’s legendary voyages relied on
         an almost atavistic sense of connection between
         the ocean and space, which to this day both remain
         vast and largely unexplored. But space technologies
         have seamlessly connected these two fathomless
         realms to benefit human activity on Earth.
         For what it is worth, Pytheas, the legendary geogra-
         pher, explorer and astronomer, is still proudly sailing
         with us today!

         TOGETHER                                  technologies and innovations will be applied to the
                                                   designs of new merchant ships, completely changing
         WE WILL LEAD                              the industry’s outlook. Technologies such as auto-
                                                   mation and robotics systems, novel materials, secure
         GREECE TO                                 and accurate navigation and shipping, and new com-
                                                   munication capabilities will characterise new ship
                                                   designs, products, and freight services worldwide. At
         THE NEW SPACE  the 1st Pytheas Maritime Space Forum, space-based
         ERA                                       technologies experts elaborated on the utilisation
                                                   of such technologies in the shipping industry.
         by Athanasios Staveris-Polykalas          In my capacity as Secretary General of Telecommu-
         Secretary General of Telecommunications and Post,   nications and Post, I oversee the country’s civilian
         Hellenic Ministry of Digital Governance
                                                   space engagement. Let me highlight some of its
                                                   main elements.
         Greece is world-famous primarily for its role as a   Although Greece is often considered a newcomer
         top maritime nation with an elaborate affiliated   in the space sector, this is not the case. Greece
         maritime industry. Shipping is one of the country’s   has been a founding member of the United Nations
         most significant and productive sectors, allowing it   International Telecommunication Union since 1865
         to maintain its leading position in terms of quantity   and has its own orbital positions and rights in space,
         and quality. The ships of the Greek-owned fleet   which are managed under Greek national law by
         represent around 20% of the world’s tonnage and   Hellas Sat 2, our national operator. The launch of
         almost 60% of the European Union fleet. Our coun-  Hellas Sat 2 in 2003 placed Greece among the
         try is a reliable partner providing shipping services  so-called space-faring nations. With the launch of
         through a fleet of ships, including new acquisitions  Hellas Sat 3 and 4, we saw new opportunities aris-
         that implement state-of-the-art technologies.   ing. As of 2019, these new satellites have provided
         Industry 4.0 utilises space technologies such   the country with an operational Government Sat-
         as navigation/positioning, satellite communica-  ellite Communications (Govsatcom) system named
         tion, and earth observation. It is predicted that   ‘GreeCom’, which connects ministries, parliament,
         said applications will be enablers for the next    embassies, civil protection authorities, etc. Through
         generation of seafarers. It is also expected that in   its Govsatcom, Greece is one of only six European
         the coming years, a significant number of modern   countries that have their own system.

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