P. 104

A few decades ago, only a few types of hatch   Cargo should not only be carried and delivered
                              covers were made, but today there is a wide vari-  in time and good condition but should also be
                              ety of hatch covers are available to accommo-  transported in an environmentally friendly man-
                              date the requirements of specific ships, trades,   ner. Given the size and weight of hatch covers
                              and cargoes. Nowadays, the most common types   and that many types are still operated by hydrau-
                              of hatch covers for general cargo ships, Handy-  lic systems, they have a polluting potential in the
                              size, Panamax, and Capesize bulk carriers are   event of failure and associated spillage.
                              folding hatch covers (general cargo & Handy-  When carrying out an inspection, look for
                              size) and side rolling hatch covers (Panamax &   physical damage:
                              Capesize). For container vessels, we generally   •   Significant corrosion, cracks, and distortion
                              see lift-away type pontoons installed.      in covers and coamings; these should be
                              Ultimately, the shipowner, in concertation with   well painted and free of such damage
                              the shipyard, classification society, flag admin-  •   Holes and permanent distortion in the plating
                              istration, and charterers, will be the one who   •   Distortion in beams or stiffness on the
                              decides which hatch cover type is more suited   underside of the top plate
                              to the potential charterers’ business model best.   •   Corrosion around welded connections of
                              Eventually, hatch covers that are right for the   beams or stiffeners
                              ship, trade and cargo will be developed around   •   Cracking of connecting joints and welds
                              specific key parameters. Items that may influ-  •   Hatch movement; this should be smooth. If
                              ence the design are the size of hatches are,   violent movement is observed, investigate
                              among others, the size of the hatches, carriage   and remove the cause.
                              of deck cargoes, strength requirements, avail-  •   Hydraulic system leakage
                              able crew for preparing hatches to go to sea,  The following precautions should be taken in
                              and opening/closing methods.            rough or heavy weather, when high swells are
                              Hatch cover designs have evolved from very  expected, or when it is likely that water will be
                              basic and relatively lightweight designs to huge,  shipped on deck.
                              heavy, and moving pieces of equipment. Hatch   Prior to Rough Weather
                              covers are considered heavy-duty shipboard   •   Check that hatch cleats are properly secured
                              equipment due to their material, which can   and adjusted. In rough weather, hulls are sub-
                              withstand rough handling and does not need   jected to high racking forces, so hatch covers
                              constant care and maintenance. In fact, modern   must be held in place but allowed to flex.
                              hatch covers are high-tech equipment whose   •   As a precaution, briefly pressurise the hydraulic
                              very small tolerances should be observed. Their   system to ensure that it is fully charged and
                              maintenance is type-specific, and their opera-  that the piping is filled with oil. This has two
                              tion should be considered a risk. Therefore, it is   benefits; first, it prevents seawater from enter-
                              essential to understand how hatch covers work   ing loose couplings or seals, and secondly, it
                              and how to maintain and operate them.       eliminates any creep which may have occurred.

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