P. 102

Τhrough a seafarer's eyes


                                                         by Capt. Georgios Georgoulis

         REMOVING THE INDIAN OCEAN FROM           The IMO was informed of the decision to remove
         THE “HIGH-RISK AREAS”                    the HRA as of 0001 UTC 1 January 2023 through
                                                  a notification submitted on Monday, 22 August,
         After more than a decade of effective threat-re-  for ratification by the next meeting of the Mar-
         ducing counter-piracy operations, shipping has   itime Safety Committee scheduled to start on
         removed the Indian Ocean from the High-Risk  31 October 2022.
         Area (HRA) category. The Round Table of inter-  The maritime organisations responsible for set-
         national shipping associations and the OCIMF,   ting the HRAs emphasised that a serious threat
         representing the global shipping and oil indus-  remains, despite the reduction to the area’s geo-
         try, announced the removal of the Indian Ocean   graphic boundaries and that correct reporting,
         from the HRA and issued new guidance to mer-  vigilance, and adherence to the fifth edition of
         chant ship operators.                    the best management practice (BMP5) remains
         On 17 August 2021, BIMCO, ICS, INTERCARGO,   crucial.
         INTERTANKO, and OCIMF decided to reduce  The removal of the HRA reflects the significant
         further the boundaries of the piracy HRA in the   improvement in the piracy situation in the region,
         Indian Ocean as incidents in the region continue   mainly due to the concerted counter-piracy
         to decrease. In broad terms, the changes, which   efforts of many regional and international stake-
         came into force on 1 September 2021, will reduce   holders. No piracy attacks against merchant
         the HRA boundaries to the Yemeni and Somali   ships have occurred off Somalia since 2018. In
         Territorial Seas and Exclusive Economic Zones   addition, the measures enacted to secure the
         in its eastern and southern reaches. (Picture 1).  waters through military, governments, civil soci-
                                                  ety, and shipping industry interventions and the
                                                  guidance provided by Best Management Prac-
                                                  tices have further reduced the threat of piracy
                                                  in the Indian Ocean.
                                                  Best Management Practices 5 (BMP5)  will
                                                  continue to provide the necessary guidance to
                                                  shipping to ensure threat and risk assessments
                                                  are carried out on every voyage to mitigate
                                                  the remaining risks and security threats in the
                                                  region. The shipping industry will continue to
                                                  monitor and advise on maritime security threats
                                                  to assist the safe transit of vessels and seafar-
                                                  ers who crew them. Pre-voyage threat and risk
                                                  assessments should consider the latest maritime
                                                  security information from organisations support-
          Picture 1: The Indian Ocean HRA         ing the Voluntary Reporting Area (VRA).
          Source: Gard                            The VRA has not changed. Ships entering the

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