P. 100


                                                  SUPPORTING THE

                                                  STRATEGIC INTERESTS

                                                  OF THE EUROPEAN UNION

                                                  by Rodrigo da Costa,
                                                  Executive Director,EU Agency for the Space Programme

                                                  The safety of life at sea and protect-  con will see a light indicating that
                                                  ing the oceans have always been a   their location has been established
                                                  top priority for the maritime sector.   and the signal has been picked up
                                                  The European Union Agency for the   by first responders. So far, Galileo is
                                                  Space Programme (EUSPA) is devel-  the only constellation to offer such
                                                  oping space services tailored to the   a service to end users. The Galileo
                                                  needs of this sector that deliver tan-  RLS increases survival rates by giv-
                                                  gible benefits to end users.   ing an important psychological boost
                                                  To safeguard Europe’s leading posi-  to people in distress. Cospas-Sar-
                                                  tion in waterborne transportation, the   sat experts have estimated that the
                                                  European Commission is investing in   international SAR system, with the
                                                  digital technologies that ensure the   contribution of the Galileo Search
                                                  safety of passengers and crew and   and Rescue service, saves more than
                                                  minimise the environmental impact of   2,000 lives a year.
                                                  maritime operations. Many of these   The European Union Agency for the
                                                  new technologies rely on data and   Space Programme (EUSPA) has been
                                                  services generated by the EU Space   entrusted with procuring the secure
                                                  Programme.                     operational ground segment (GOV-
                                                  EUSPA is the user-oriented oper-  SATCOM Hubs), its operations, and
                                                  ational agency of the EU Space   the coordination of GOVSATCOM’s
                                                  Programme, which contributes to  user-related aspects, all in close col-
                                                  the  sustainable growth,  security  laboration with the Member States
                                                  and safety of the European Union  and other involved entities.
                                                  by enabling innovation, competitive-  GOVSATCOM is designed to meet the
                                                  ness and resilience. EUSPA designs   unique requirements of governmental
                                                  and delivers safe and secure space-  applications, including those used for
                                                  based navigation services. It also  crisis management, surveillance, and
                                                  stimulates the market uptake of EU   the management of key infrastruc-
                 To safeguard Europe’s            Space-based services by offering   tures. Further, to successfully execute
                leading position in wa-           incentives and know-how to estab-  their missions, governmental actors
               terborne transportation,           lished companies, SMEs, start-ups,   must have access to secure satellite
                the European Commission           and innovators to utilise the services   communication services, which com-
                is investing in digital           and data provided by the EU Space   mercial satellite communication ser-
               technologies that ensure           Programme components Galileo,  vices cannot provide.
               the safety of passengers           EGNOS, and Copernicus. The launch   In conclusion, the European Union
              and crew and minimise the           of the Galileo constellation means  Agency for the Space Programme
                environmental impact of           a lot more than accurate navigation.   works closely with industry partners,
                 maritime operations.             The system was also set up to pro-  user- communities, the European
                                                  tect EU citizens through various ser-  Commission, the European Space
                                                  vices, one of them being the Galileo   Agency, and, above all, the EU Mem-
                                                  Search and Rescue (SAR) service,   ber States. With its user-oriented
                                                  which announced in January 2020  approach, the EUSPA plays a piv-
                                                  a breakthrough feature: the Galileo   otal role in supporting the strategic
                                                  Return Link Service (RLS). Thanks  interests of the Union and maximising
                                                  to Galileo RLS, sailors in distress   the benefits to European society and
                                                  equipped with the appropriate bea-  business.

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