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shop, find your way to your next meet-  nals and the Copernicus Marine Service.
         ing, or look at satellite images of your   Secondly, there is a ship weather routing
         next vacation destination, is an optional   application based on Copernicus data
         gadget for the happy few. It is mainstream   that optimises and qualifies forecasts.
         normality for all.                Thirdly, we see users becoming more      It is abundantly
         But there are many more such applications.  demanding regarding safe, secure, and   evident that
         Space is pushing the boundaries of inno-  resilient maritime operations. With the   the combined
         vation in Europe, and EU space technolo-  Search and Rescue (SAR) Galileo Service,   strengths of our
         gies are used in a wide array of applica-  the maritime community can benefit by   Space Programme’s
         tions in various markets.         reducing the delays in locating a distress   components can meet
         How are space-based technologies linked   beacon from up to 4 hours to less than   user needs and poli-
         with maritime activities?         10 minutes, which allows faster and safer   cies related to all
         The answer is through numerous applica-  rescue times.                   sectors of a sustai-
         tions that assist a diverse pool of stake-  The Return Link Service (RLS), a unique   nable blue economy.
         holders - vessel operators, recreational   feature that sends an automatic acknowl-
         boaters, port authorities, etc. - in their   edgement to people in distress, con-
         day-to-day operations and activities.  firms that their signal has been picked
         Like every other sector, the maritime  up and located by the rescue services.
         industry is sailing toward a greener, more   This impressive service is also part of
         autonomous, digital future.       our answer to the principal maritime
         Let me give some concrete examples of   community demand for increased safety
         how the European space services are  and security.
         used in the shipping sector:      Furthermore, the maritime community
         Firstly, the shipping sector today is facing   will benefit from the future space-based
         the risks of increasing port congestion,  secure connectivity system offering global
         shortened shipping times, and increasing   coverage, low latency, and cryptography.
         speeds for container movements, which  Maritime surveillance and control, emer-
         puts pressure on ships to transport and   gencies at sea, and the protection of
         return containers as quickly as possible  sensitive marine infrastructure as part of
         and, at the same time, be more fuel effi-  crisis management will be the defining
         cient. Therefore, optimising the shipping   areas that will enable governmental and
         routes’ speed and efficiency is critical.  commercial actors to be effective, effi-
         And this can be achieved thanks to sat-  cient and resilient.
         ellite navigation combined with Earth  Automation and IoT will also enable
         observation. Concretely, a functional,  means of transportation to become
         robust, and accurate navigation solution   driverless: Remotely piloted ships are
         called” ‘Prepare Ships” has been devel-  expected to appear between 2025 and
         oped based on the features of Galileo sig-  2030 and generate a growing demand

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