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                                 VRA are encouraged to register with the Mar-  small amounts of water can ruin a part of the
                                 itime Security Centre for the Horn of Africa   cargo and result in a claim against the ship. In
                                 (MSCHOA) in accordance with industry BMP   general, Class and statutory rules and associ-
                                 Best Management Practices (BMP). Therefore,   ated inspections will mainly look at the safety
                                 carrying out threat and risk assessments and  of the vessel and crew. The industry (charter-
                                 following best management practices is still  ers, shippers, receivers, underwriters) will take
                                 necessary to mitigate the risks still present in   statutory and Class compliance for granted and
                                 this changeable, often complex, and potentially   focus more on the commercial aspects of carrying
                                 threatening environment.                goods by sea.
                                                                         There are two ways to detect a leaking hatch
                                 BULK CARRIERS HATCH COVERS:             cover:
                                 INSPECTION, TESTS, & MAINTENANCE        1.   Water Hose Leak Detection Test: Water hose
                                 ENSURING A SAFE PASSAGE                     tests are used to determine the weather
                                 Typically, water-sensitive cargoes like grain,   tightness of hatch covers. If correctly per-
                                 steel, fertiliser, ores etc., are transported on dry   formed, hose testing will show hatch joints
                                 cargo vessels. These vessels are equipped with   that leak. The general procedure for hose
                                 hatch covers to allow swift intake and facilitate   testing is to apply a powerful jet of water
                                 easy discharge of the above commodities.    from a 20-50mm diameter hose fitted with
                                 A recent study and claims analysis by the Japan   a 12mm diameter nozzle held at 1-1.5 metres
                                 P&I club over the 5 years between 2016 and   from a hatch joint, moving along the joint at
                                 2020 shows that out of the 161 claims reported,   a speed of 1 metre every 2 seconds.
                                 76% involved wetting damage to grain, steel,   2.  Ultrasonic hatch leak detection: this is a
                                 and ore cargoes.                            viable alternative to the hose test for test-
                                 In 74 (or 46%) cases, the seawater damage was   ing hatch covers, access doors and access
                                 caused by leaking hatch covers, which shows   hatches for weather tightness, as it accu-
                                 hatch covers continue to generate seawater-in-  rately locates potential leakage points. This
                                 duced claims and that improperly maintained   test should only be carried out using Class
                                 and leaky hatch covers have a high claim poten-  Type approved equipment such as Cygnus
                                 tial. When water-susceptible cargo comes into   Hatch Sure and approved test procedures.
                                 contact with seawater during an ocean passage,   The test should only be carried out using
                                 it is most likely that a claim for wetting damage   Class approved equipment and approved
                                 will be filed against the ship by the cargo own-  test procedures. It involves placing an elec-
                                 ers/receivers.                              tronic signal generator inside the cargo hold
                                 If large amounts of water penetrate the ship’s   with closed and secured hatches. A sensor
                                 hatch covers, the ship and crew could be in dan-  is then passed around the outside of all
                                 ger, but limited water ingress would normally not   compression joints. Readings taken by the
                                 cause a safety problem for the ship.        sensor indicate points of low compression
                                 However, from a cargo quality point of view, even   or potential leakage points.

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