P. 95

SAFER                                        THE CONNECTION

                                              BETWEEN SPACE AND

 MARITIME                                     THE OCEAN IS CLOSER AND

                                              MORE INTACT THAN EVER

 OPERATIONS:                                  by Katherine Kavvada,                 communication capabilities to
                                              Director for Innovation and Outreach,
                                              Directorate General for Defence Industry and Space (DG DEFIS) European Commission

                                              Finding out about Pytheas’s various
                                              capacities as a geographer, astronomer,
                                                                                    sions and operations managed by
                                              and explorer, I could not help but think   security and safety-critical mis-
                                              of him as a modern space explorer of   the European Union and its Mem-
                                              a distant era. And then I thought that   ber States.
                                              the times might be thousands of years   Moreover, the Commission recently pro-
                                              apart,  yet the connection between  posed establishing a sovereign secure
                                              space and the ocean is closer and more   space-based connectivity system to
                                              intact than ever.                 provide satellite communication ser-
                                              For all of us, space technologies are  vices. It aims to deliver governmental
                                              part of our daily personal and profes-  and commercial services to protect
                                              sional life, which is why the European   critical infrastructures, surveillance,
                                              Union is investing in space systems and   and support for external action or crisis
                                              applications.                     management. Its great differentiators
                                              In brief, the EU Space Programme’s dif-  revolve around low latency, a multi-or-
                                              ferent components include:        bital combination of services, global
                                              Galileo - the Union’s unique navigation  coverage, and cryptography. This secure
                                                  system, providing improved posi-  connectivity programme rests highly on
                                                  tioning and timing information with   innovation and technological advances,
                                                  significant positive implications for  predominantly deriving from the New
                                                  many European services and users.   Space ecosystem.
                                                  It counts more than 3.2 billion users   Finally, the Space Situational Aware-
                                                  worldwide, which is clear proof of its   ness (SSA) Programme aims to protect
                                                  sheer success and a kind reminder   space infrastructures from collisions
                                                  that although GPS was the first,  and other events like adverse space
                                                  Galileo is the best.          weather.
                                                  Galileo is complemented by the   With a single Space Programme answer-
                                                  European Geostationary Navigation   ing to the needs of secure positioning,
                                                  Overlay Service (EGNOS) to provide   observing, informing and communicating
                                                  safety-of-life navigation services to   securely, the EU is ensuring the sover-
                                                  aviation, maritime, and land-based   eignty, resilience, and security of the
                                                  users over most of Europe.    European citizens.
                                              Copernicus  - the state-of-the-art  Beyond space infrastructures, the Com-
                                                  European Earth Observation pro-  mission has a role in stimulating the
                                                  gramme and the only one in the  downstream ecosystem and creating
                                                  world that provides  data  and  space-based applications and services.
                                                  information on the health of our  Therefore, together with the European
                                                  planet. Users have full, free, and   Union Agency for the Space Programme,
                                                  open access to this data, which is   EUSPA, we also actively support Euro-
                                                  also processed to provide a set   pean companies to take advantage of
                                                  of services based on reliable and   the opportunities brought by space
                                                  near-real-time information.   technologies.
                                              GOVSATCOM - a programme that aims   Today, nobody considers that the smart-
                                                  to provide secure, cost-efficient  phone GPS, which is used to locate a

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