P. 93

         Brother Charles Anthony,
         Philanthropini Center -
         The Ormylia Foundation,
         Petros Bissias,
         Ilias Bissias and
         John M. Hadjipateras,
         his wife Xenia and their
         two daughters standing
         in front of Captain
         John C. Hadjipateras’s

                                                     diagnosis of thalassaemia. Soon  been operating for 37 years. As with
                                                     after that, a dentistry department   the Ormylia Centre, the members
                                                     began to serve the local community.   of the Hadjipateras family maintain
                                                     Since then, the Panagia Philanthro-  close ties with this Centre and are
                                                     pini Centre has grown in size and  equally moved and impressed by
                                                     importance and has developed sev-  the staff’s dedication, the benefits
                                                     eral other programmes, including  offered by its programmes, and the
                                                     breast cancer screening and refugee   successful rehabilitation of so many
                                                     support and integration.      children with special needs.
                                                     The family has maintained close
                                                     ties with the Centre and the Con-  In the mid-1980s, the family of Capt.
                                                     vent’s Sisters, always moved and  John C. Hadjipateras was awarded
                                                     impressed by their energy, enthusi-  the Silver Medal of the Academy of
                                                     asm, and dedication. Over the years,   Athens for establishing these two
                                                     the family has enjoyed watching  centres.
                                                     the Centre grow and thrive through   It is our family’s proud legacy that
                                                     funding programmes and private  our grandfather’s wishes were car-
                                                     donations. http://www.ormyliafoun-  ried out so diligently by his children,
                                                            thus setting an example and inspir-
                                                     The Hadjipatereion Children’s Reha-  ing the descendants of the vision-
                                                     bilitation and Support Centre also  ary donor, who are happy that for
                                                     began operating during the same   almost 40 years, the two centres
                                                     period out of the newly constructed   have offered so much to so many
                                                     purpose-built premises in Metamor-  people, thanks to the dedication of
                                                     phosi, Attiki. The Hadjipatereion has   those who run them.

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