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         included internationally recognised scientists
         such as Dr Jo Anne Zujewski, Head of Breast
         Cancer Therapeutics in the US National Cancer
         Institute and Ms Nancy Carter Foster, Senior
         Advisor for Global Health to the United States
         Secretary of State. Participants serving vulner-
         able populations have come from Albania, Bos-
         nia, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Eritrea, Estonia,
         Hungary, Latvia, Kenya, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia,
         Syria, and Ukraine. To date, more than 360 med-
         ical practitioners have participated.
         The American College of Radiology and the   The Panagia
         United States Department of State have spon-  Philanthropini
         sored the travel and accommodation of several   Centre has
         prominent experts.                         screened more
         The Center fully adheres to the EU and the   than 26,000
         US’s Quality Control Guidelines on early cancer   women and per-
         detection. The high-quality medical services pro-  formed 120,000
         vided by the Centre have been attested through   screening tests
         inspections by USA FDA officials and leading EU   and approxi-
         experts. Indicative of this is the support officially   mately 600,000
         offered by the European Free Trade Association   mammograms.
         to the Ormylia Centre’s early molecular cancer
         detection, chemoprevention, and supportive
         Infrastructures. This project’s signing ceremony
         took place at the Centre with the participa-
         tion of Their Royal Majesties, King Harald and
         Queen Sonja of Norway, and high-level officials
         of the EFTA and the governments of Norway
         and Greece.
         Thus, in these momentously challenging times,
         the Center of Panagia Philanthropini humbly con-
         tinues its journey of love and hope, providing
         care to women and children in need.

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