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                          FOR ALMOST 40 YEARS,

                          THE TWO CENTRES HAVE

                          OFFERED SO MUCH

                          TO SO MANY PEOPLE

                                           In the early 1980s, my father,   of the Virgin Mary Convent
                                           Marcos J. Hadjipateras, his  near Ormylia in Halkidiki.
                                           brothers Costas, Nicolas and   After meeting Elder  Aim-
                                           Pantelis, together with their   ilianos, Reverend Mother
                                           sister Katie, began searching   Nicodeme, and the small
                                           for a worthy beneficiary that   number of novice Sisters of
                                           would receive the charita-  the Nicodemus Ormylia Con-
                                           ble donation that had been   vent, the family was moved
                                           bequeathed by their father,   and impressed by their vision
                                           Captain John C. Hadjipateras,   and energy and thus decided
                                           who had passed away in 1979.   to help it grow in size and
                                           My grandfather was born in   importance by building the
                                           Oinousses in 1888 and lived  “Panagia Philanthropini
                                           his life in Oinousses, Chios,   (Benevolent Virgin Mary) Spir-
                                           Athens, Montreal, and Lon-  itual and Medical Centre”.
                                           don. He had financially and   The family were also keen
                                           morally  supported  several  to support the Social Work
                                           projects on the island of his   Foundation (Idryma Koinonikis
                                           birth, focussing primarily on   Ergasias), which was looking
                                           those related to the supply,   for premises to house their
                                           storage and distribution of   new “Centre for the Rehabil-
                                           fresh water.              itation of Handicapped Chil-
                                           His wish was that after his   dren”.
                                           death, his children  would   After carefully considering
                                           make a donation to an area in   the alternatives, they decided
                                           Greece other than Oinousses,   to allocate funds to both
                                           which would benefit the com-  projects as they fulfilled their
                                           munities of that region. His   late father’s wishes.
                                           children consulted the family   Thus, in the mid-1980s, the
                                           lawyer, Mr Panagiotis Katsa-  Panagia Philanthropini Med-
                                           douris, who presented them  ical and Spiritual Centre was
                                           with several alternatives.   built only a kilometre away
                                           One of Mr Katsadouris’s cli-  from the Holy Convent of
                                           ents was the Monastery of   the Annunciation of the Vir-
                                           Simonopetra on Mount Athos,   gin Mary and began operat-
         John M. Hadjipateras,             affiliated with the recently  ing and having an immediate
         President, Oinoussai Benevolent Fund &   re-established Annunciation   impact on the screening and
         Director, John C. Hadjipateras & Sons Ltd.

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