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          The love of expatriate Greeks for their ancestral land is a critical denominator in
          strengthening local welfare and social assistance actions.
          The support of many important high-profile and less prominent Greeks residing in Greece
          and abroad is of particular interest when it concerns actions that support religious
          institutions with a tangible impact on their communities, in the true Christian spirit
          and as taught by the Holy Fathers.
          In this context, at the kind invitation of John M. Hadjipateras, the editorial team of
          Naftika Chronika visited The Holy Cenobium of the Annunciation of the Mother of God in
          Ormylia, Chalkidiki, and the Panagia Philanthropini Centre and found out about the mon-
          astery’s history and the centre’s divinely inspired work in providing medical services
          to the local community and the wider area.


                              THE MARITIME

                              COMMUNITY'S UNKNOWN


         The Ormylia Monastery was founded by the   Mother, and the sisters and became the monas-
         blessed Elder Aimilianos in 1974. Forty young   tery’s first benefactors, moved by their ascetic
         women led by a 19-tear-old Reverend Mother  life and devotion. They generously contributed
         followed his example and became monastics.   to building the medical and spiritual centre’s
         Living in extreme poverty in a dilapidated ruin   main structure, which was blessed and inaugu-
         of a monastic establishment (metochion) that   rated as the “Panagia Philanthropini Centre for
         had been abandoned for over 55 years, the sis-  Social Advancement, Medical Prevention and
         ters, filled with joy and God’s grace, established   Research” in 1984.
         the Holy Cenobium of the Annunciation of the   In 1990 the Panagia Philanthropini Centre began
         Mother of God, commonly known as the Sacred   its medical work in providing cervical cancer
         Convent of the Annunciation, which today num-  screening for underprivileged women. Its great
         bers more than 120 Nuns.                 success in reaching hard-to-reach populations
         From the very first years of great poverty, the  and recruiting them for medical care was based
         blessed Elder Aimilianos had been telling the   on high-quality medical service standards and
         sisters that it was necessary to build a medi-  the monastic precepts of love for others and
         cal and spiritual centre to care for the common   hospitality. These critical factors combined
         folk (‘cosmaki’) of Chalkidiki’s rural regions and   resulted in the women feeling that they were not
         beyond. To the sisters, who at that time had  visiting a secular medical centre but their spiri-
         barely enough to eat and did not have enough   tual family, who loved them and cared for them
         oil to light the votive lamps in the church, what   and their loved ones. This bond of deep trust
         the blessed Elder was asking seemed impos-  is the Panagia Philanthropini Centre’s strength
         sible.                                   that continues to grow up to the present time.
         Yet, in the fullness of God’s plan, the centre   Given the increasing number of patients, the
         came to pass according to the words of the   need to further augment medical services in the
         blessed Elder. The Ioannis Hadjipateras family   early detection of breast cancer became pro-
         came to know about the monastery through a   nounced. That way, the centre would be able to
         mutual friend, the attorney Mr Panagiotis Katsa-  address the two major risks to women’s health.
         douris. They met the blessed Elder, the Reverend   In this context, the Leon Lemos Foundation

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