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donated the Centre’s mammography equipment   is 85% rural, predominantly under-educated
                                 for x-ray mammograms.                   women from farming communities. These women
                                 As the needs of the Panagia Philanthropini Cen-  are often unaware of the risk of breast cancer
                                 tre grew, medical equipment and infrastructure   and do not have other screening options. With-
                                 investments necessary for the efficient operation   out the centre’s services, the region’s low-income
                                 of the services were made through the generous   women would only be diagnosed at a late stage,
                                 donation of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation.  leading to a poor prognosis resulting in unnec-
                                 The Athanasios and Marina Martinou Founda-  essary suffering and invasive treatment.
                                 tion, AEGEAS, lovingly contributed to the centre,   By detecting early-stage breast cancer and
                                 enabling it to reach more needy and vulnerable   employing less invasive treatments, the centre
                                 populations.                            prevents the deterioration of the social fabric
                                 Populations that have benefited include finan-  of these fragile populations, keeping women
                                 cially needy Greek, minorities, and immigrant   healthy and productive and improving their
                                 women. What they have in common is that they   quality of life.
                                 are socially marginalised and at risk of becoming   When funds are available, the centre provides
                                 victims because of cultural and social tensions   medical care for homeless, immigrant and Roma
                                 and the challenges of being part of the lower   children. Having travelled hundreds of miles on
                                 strata of Greek society. The cancer screen-  foot, alone, and often in grave danger, these
                                 ing program highlights the common concerns  precious children need loving care and medical
                                 of participating women and plays a small but  attention.
                                 potentially important role in creating solidarity   If resources permit, the Centre organises highly
                                 and social cohesion. In addition to native Greek   technical medical workshops for breast health
                                 Orthodox Christians, target groups include Turk-  practitioners, including radiologists, radiology
                                 ish, Pomak, and Roma-speaking women.    technologists, medical physicists, oncologists,
                                 The Panagia Philanthropini Centre has screened   general practitioners, nurses, and lay health
                                 more than 26,000  women and performed  practitioners. These workshops are led by breast
                                 120,000 screening tests and approximately   top health experts from European and Ameri-
                                 600,000 mammograms. The target population   can Medical Centres of Excellence. They have

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