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                              dation decided to make another donation to  know. The 95 newcomers and another 7,408 inhab-
                              the Hellenic Navy, this time for the upgrade  itants of the City of Tomorrow will be taking steps
                              and renovation of the Athens Naval Hospital. In   forward and changing society for the better.
                              this context, on Tuesday, 26 July, an agreement   For the academic year 2022-23, the Onassis
                              was signed by the President of the Aikaterini  Foundation has a total of 95 scholarships: 81 for
                              Laskaridis Foundation, Honorary Rear Admiral   international studies (45 for postgraduate and
                              Panagiotis Laskaridis, and the Chief of the Hel-  36 for doctoral degrees) and 14 for postgraduate
                              lenic Navy, Vice Admiral Stylianos Petrakis HN.   studies in Greece. The selection, whose criterion
                              The upgrade of the Athens Naval Hospital will   was academic excellence, was made by leading
                              include the creation of a Cardiology Clinic, a  Greek and international scientists, university pro-
                              Short-Term Hospitalization Ward, and the mod-  fessors, and academics within the framework of a
                              ernisation of Ward 3B facilities. The agreement   merit-based evaluation. This year, emphasis was
                              was signed in the presence of the Minister of  placed on academic fields that have emerged
                              National Defense, Nikos Panagiotopoulos, the   to meet the needs of the present day, such as
                              Deputy Minister of National Defense, Nikos Har-  Earthquake Engineering, Machine Learning &
                              dalias, and the Chief of the Hellenic National   Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Special and
                              Defence General Staff, General Konstantinos   Inclusive Education, Computational Archaeol-
                              Floros.                                 ogy and Transplantation Research. The selected
                                                                      fields and specialisations are all connected to
                              THE ONASSIS FOUNDATION HAS              the Onassis Foundation action areas, which focus
                              ANNOUNCED THE BENEFICIARIES OF          on innovation and breakthrough technologies.
                              ITS 2022-23 SCHOLARSHIPS FOR THE        In its announcement, the Foundation said, “We
                              UPCOMING ACADEMIC YEAR                  hope that the City of Tomorrow will grow with
                              The Onassis Foundation “City of Tomorrow” has   each passing year, filling with innovative new
                              once again opened its doors to welcome young   ideas and beautiful minds”
                              people with innovative ideas and bright minds
                              to inhabit it. This year, as every other year since  STAVROS NIARCHOS FOUNDATION:
                              1978, the Onassis Foundation welcomes the 95  PARTNERSHIP TO EXPAND QUALITY
                              new scholars that will be the City of Tomorrow’s  CANCER TREATMENT FOR CHILDREN
                              new inhabitants. The Foundation will support them  ACROSS BORDERS
                              throughout their journey so they feel free to open  The Stavros Niarchos Foundation’s (SNF) more
                              up new avenues with their ideas – to expand the   than $750 million Health Initiative represents a
                              sciences we know and the ones we will come to   global effort to enhance access to quality pub-

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