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representations of naval battles, prints, etc.  of Piraeus for its contribution to making “this
                                 During the 640-nautical-mile journey, the exhi-  unique pilgrimage to the Aegean islands”. Visibly
                                 bition visited the maritime communities of Chios   moved, he continued by saying: “I also thank
                                 (Chora and Kardamyla), Oinousses, Lesvos,   each and every one of you who participated in
                                 Lemnos, Samothrace, Agios Efstratios, Skyros,   the success of this Aegean “Argonautic Expe-
                                 Psara, Syros, Spetses, Hydra, Poros and Aegina.   dition” of ours, even if it is by just honouring us
                                 Due to the extreme weather in the third week   with your presence tonight”.
                                 of the floating exhibition, the “Mania” could not   Speeches were also made by the Chairman of
                                 approach Andros as scheduled. In all the ports   the Board of the “Maria Tsakos” Public Benefit
                                 along the journey, the public was enthusiastic   Foundation – International Centre for Maritime
                                 and moved to have the exhibition visiting them,   Research, and Secretary-General Emeritus of
                                 with the number of visitors reaching 4,000.   the IMO, Mr Efthimios Mitropoulos and the
                                 The exhibition’s closing event was held under   guests of honour Vice Admiral Stylianos Petrakis
                                 the auspices of the Minister of Maritime Affairs   HN and Vice Admiral Georgios.
                                 and Insular Policy, Mr Giannis Plakiotakis, with   Following those addresses, a first assessment
                                 the Chief of the Hellenic Navy, Vice Admiral   of the overall initiative was made by Mrs Dim-
                                 Stylianos Petrakis HN, and the Commandant of   itra Koukiou, Deputy Director of the National
                                 the Hellenic Coast Guard (H.C.G.), Vice Admiral   Historical Museum,  who represented NHM
                                 Georgios Alexandrakis as guests of honour.  throughout the exhibition. Mrs Koukiou’s speech
                                 During the closing ceremony, Capt. Panagiotis N.   was followed by a short address by Professor
                                 Tsakos, the founder of the Tsakos Group, gave a   Maria Efthymiou, the well-known Historian of the
                                 speech thanking the Historical and Ethnological   National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,
                                 Society of Greece for its initiative and the Bank   who had given lectures about the 1821 Uprising
                                                                         on most of the islands visited by the exhibition.
                                                                         AIKATERINI LASKARIDIS FOUNDATION:
                                                                         SUPPORT FOR FIRE-AFFECTED
                                                                         AREAS CONTINUES WHILE A NEW
                                                                         DONATION TO THE HELLENIC NAVY
                                                                         ENSURES THE RENOVATION OF THE
                                                                         ATHENS NAVAL HOSPITAL
                                                                         As part of its health support programme for
                                                                         the residents of remote villages in the Munic-
                                                                         ipalities of Istiaia-Edipsos and Mantoudi-Agia
                                                                         Anna-Limni, the Aikaterini Laskaridis Founda-
                                                                         tion has procured and delivered a number of
                                                                         much-needed defibrillators that will allow the
                                                                         provision of immediate treatment in emergen-
                                                                         cies. The triggering event was a recent emer-
                                                                         gency incident involving a resident of North
                                                                         Evia. This person’s life had been endangered as
                                                                         the closest doctor or Health Centre was a long
                                                                         distance away. The delivery of the defibrillators
                                                                         took place in the square of Kokkinomilia on 28
                                                                         July 2022, after the staff that would be using
                                                                         them had received the necessary training from
                                                                         specialised medical personnel.
                                                                         Following the delivery of the medical equip-
                                                                         ment, a direct consultation was held with the
                                                                         residents of Kokkinomilia to inform them about
                                                                         the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation’s struc-
                                                                         tured and well-developed plan for coordinated
                                                                         reforestation around the village. This plan aims
                                                                         to protect the environment but also create
                                                                         additional income for residents through the
                                                                         type of trees that will be selected.
                                                                         At the same time, the leadership of the Foun-

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