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                                                                     hospitals providing excellent, human-centred can-
                                                                     cer care, especially to children, like Sant Joan de
                                                                     Déu Children’s Hospital in Barcelona,” he added.
                                                                     The SNF University Pediatric Hospital of Thessa-
                                                                     loniki is one of three new hospitals being created
                                                                     in Greece as part of the SNF Health Initiative,
                                                                     which also includes other infrastructure projects,
                                                                     procurement of state-of-the-art equipment, educa-
                                                                     tional programs for health professionals, and major
                                                                     initiatives on mental health. The Health Initiative
                                                                     began in Greece but has since expanded globally
                                                                     through the collaboration with expert and inspiring
                                                                     partners like KHCF/KHCC.

                                                                     THE COSTAS M. LEMOS FOUNDATION AND
                                                                     THE JOHN S. LATSIS PUBLIC BENEFIT
                                                                     FOUNDATION SUPPORT FREE TRAINING
                                                                     AND CONSULTING OPPORTUNITIES FOR
                                                                     The IGGS (Higher Incubator Giving Growth & Sus-
                                                                     tainability) non-profit organisation has announced
                                                                     this year’s application start date for the Incubator,
                                                                     GSE Incubator, and the new thematic Green & Sus-
                                                                     tainable Development Accelerator programmes.
                                                                     HIGGS’ specialised programmes aim to support
                                                                     civil society organisations by offering free training
                                                                     and consultancy.
                                                                     After 7 years of successfully running the Acceler-
                                                                     ator program, HIGGS has launched the Green &
                                                                     Sustainable Development Accelerator (GSD Accel-
                                                                     erator), a new thematic series. This new ‘acceler-
                                                                     ator’ is aimed at NGOs and Social Cooperative
                          lic health care for everyone—regardless of their  Enterprises (SCEs) operating exclusively in green
                          place of origin or socioeconomic background—with   and sustainable development areas or as part of
                          a special focus on children and the most vulnera-  their broader activity.
                          ble among us. In the spirit of sharing international   Following the successful steps of the previous
                          expertise and enhancing quality health care across   series, the GSD Accelerator aims to support organ-
                          borders, SNF and the King Hussein Cancer Foun-  isations in strategy, business planning, formulat-
                          dation (KHCF) and Center (KHCC) have launched   ing proposals and financial viability reports. The
                          a partnership in support of children from across   program has a 6-month duration and includes free
                          the Middle East who are in need of cancer treat-  training and consultation, workshops with experts
                          ment and care, as announced during the 2022  from Greece and the USA, as well as access to
                          SNF Nostos Conference. Through a dedicated  specialised NGO support platforms.
                          $3 million grant, SNF will support the lifesaving   The GSD Accelerator, starting in November 2022,
                          work of KHCF/KHCC in Amman, Jordan, providing   will be implemented over 2 trimesters, each focused
                          cancer treatment and care to children from across   on specific thematic modules, beginning with an
                          the region who would not otherwise be able to  intensive 2-week boot camp. The HIGGS Green &
                          access it.                                 Sustainable Development Accelerator program is
                          “We couldn’t be prouder of our new partnership   offered free of charge to (up to) 8 environmental/
                          with KHCF/KHCC, which makes it possible to   sustainable development non-profit organisations.
                          provide care to pediatric cancer patients in need,   The major donors of the Accelerator programme
                          and we look forward to creating new pathways of   are the Costas M. Lemos Foundation and the John
                          collaboration between KHCC and the new SNF  S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation.
                          University Pediatric Hospital of Thessaloniki,” said   *The application period for all three programmes
                          SNF Co-President Andreas Dracopoulos at SNF   (Incubator, GSE Incubator and Green & Sustainable
                          Nostos Health, held in June 2022. “This is part of   Development Accelerator) started on Monday, August
                          our growing effort to connect the dots between   29 and will end on Friday, September 23, 2022.

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