P. 60

What are the most significant challenges regard-
                                                                     ing a shipyard’s infrastructure? Does the increas-
                                                                     ing size of vessels make you consider develop-
                                                                     ing new infrastructure to accommodate bigger
                                                                            That is an interesting question, as most
                                                                            of the world’s larger ships are cargo ves-
                                                                            sels built in China or South Korea, not
                                                                            Europe. As regards big cruise vessels,
                                                                            European shipyards can still accom-
                                                                            modate them with their existing infra-
                                                                            structure;  however,  given  the  labour
                                                                            shortages and the need for efficiency
                                                                            improvements, the industry must invest
                                                                            in automation and robotisation.

                                                                     What risk assessment techniques do you apply
                                                                     to ensure the smooth execution of ship repair
                                                                            When considering a ship repair project,
                                                                            shipyards perform a risk assessment to
                                                                            ensure the safety of the workers and the
                                                                            ship by following specific guidelines. A
                                                                            concrete example is the recent “Guide on
                                                                            NG gas as a marine fuel: Work practices
                                                                            for maintenance, repair and dry-dock
                                  notably in their production processes.    operations”.
                                  Nevertheless, these ambitions also        Various guidelines were published follow-
                                  offer promising business opportunities    ing the identification of potential safety
                                  in that shipyards will be asked to build   risks regarding repair work on LNG-pow-
                                  zero-emission vessels or retrofit exist-  ered ships soon after these ships came
                                  ing ones to make them climate-friendly.     into operation. This new guide was elab-
                                  For this reason, SEA Europe is fully      orated by the Society for Marine Gas
                                  behind the European Green Deal and        as a Fuel (SGMF), with the help of SEA
                                  believes it could even help Europe regain   Europe’s dedicated working group on
                                  some of its lost markets.                 Ship Maintenance, Repair and Conversion
                                  But to turn the European Green Deal and   and the close cooperation of other stake-
                                  other related political ambitions or envi-  holders to provide updated information
                                  ronmental regulations into real business   that will ensure the safety of all relevant
                                  success, SEA Europe has been calling      parties while executing maintenance or
                                  on policymakers to put in place a proper   repair tasks on LNG-powered ships.
                                  framework to restore the level playing    How does increasing inflation affect a
                                  field in global shipbuilding. This frame-  shipyard’s negotiations with shipowners
                                  work should include trade measures to     and suppliers?
                                  support the competitiveness of European   Shipowners and the maritime manufac-
                                  shipyards, financially support the signif-  turing industry will have to get used to
                                  icant investments needed by the entire    inflation quickly. When the world was hit
                                  waterborne sector in research, devel-     by more than 10% inflation in the 1980s,
                                  opment and innovation, and transform      helpful measures such as price adjust-
                                  shipping and inland navigation into a     ment clauses for raw materials and
                                  zero-emission transport mode. It should   wage increases were implemented, so
                                  also incentivise the development of green   we should do likewise to battle today’s
                                  technologies and sustainable alternative   inflation. That said, it is expected that the
                                  fuels and their onboard integration and   current inflationary spiral will be short-
                                  support the deployment of green infra-    lived as it is a consequence of the Covid
                                  structure or provide incentives for first   pandemic. Let’s hope so!

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