P. 59

Project: This project has built on the    providers to support their efforts and
                                        work of previous projects with a spe-     massive investments in upskilling or
                                        cific focus on the sector’s skills gaps   reskilling the workforce and attract-
                                        related to decarbonisation and dig-       ing new, highly skilled workers.
                                        italisation. The final report from this   •   It is paramount for a strategic indus-
                                        EU-funded project contains findings       try like the maritime technology sec-
                                        and recommendations, such as cre-         tor to employ and rely on a highly
                                        ating a Skills Analytics Framework        skilled workforce that can produce
                                        and an observatory for better coor-       innovative, high-tech and greener
                                        dination between key regional stake-      products, in line with the EU’s green
                                        holders regarding the development         and digital policy ambitions.
                                        of regional skills management sys-
                                        tems. The project also paved the way   How are environmental regulations impacting
                                        for the sector’s EU Pact for Skills.  your business?
                                    •   A sectoral Pact for Skills: Ship-      International, EU, and national environ-
                                        building and its supply chain have     mental regulations profoundly affect an
                                        been identified as an industry with    industry such as the marine technology
                                        the responsibility and potential to    sector. Political ambitions such as the
                                        drive the twin green/digital transi-   European Green Deal can potentially
                                        tions, support Europe’s industrial     change or disrupt inland navigation or sea
                                        competitiveness, and improve con-      transport. Ships operating for decades on
                                        nectivity. However, while employment   fossil fuels, particularly heavy fuel oil, will
                                        prospects in the sector look prom-     need to cut their emissions by at least
                                        ising, it still needs to overcome the   55% by 2030. Achieving this target will
                                        adverse effects of the pandemic cri-   require a massive building of new ships
                                        sis while coping with the twin green/  or a dedicated retrofitting programme. It
                                        digital transition challenge. To that   goes without saying that such ambitions
                                        end, the industry-led sectoral Pact    and the corresponding regulations will
                                        for Skills has brought together all    require tremendous effort from shipyards
                                        relevant stakeholders and education    and maritime equipment manufacturers,

        ENERGY SAVER                    environmentally friendly
                                         becker products
        The easily installed Becker Mewis Duct®, for vessels                                                        Picture © Bene Riobó
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                            Right: 81,000 DWT Bulk Carrier Chryssa K
                            Owner: Marmaras Navigation

                            Becker Mewis Duct® (retrofitted)
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             Manoeuvring      Energy-Saving    Battery                     
             Systems          Devices          Systems
   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64