P. 55

pricing policy. However, this should      rounding the future fuel mix, propulsion
                                    be assessed along with all the other      systems, and forthcoming environmen-
                                    parameters mentioned above.               tal regulations, destabilising the sector
                                    Given the complexity of the overall       further. On the other hand, shipping is
                                    process, shipowners should ensure         responsible for approximately 85% of
                                    that they diligently evaluate all avail-  global trade, which, coupled with global
                                    able alternatives, quantify all options   population growth, means the need for
                                    and assess the risks involved. Finally,   newbuildings and maintaining, repairing,
                                    another standard practice is to audit a   and retrofitting the 50,000 merchant
                                    shipyard before entering into any ship-   ships trading worldwide will continue
                                    building or repair contract to verify all   to exist.
                                    aspects of the service provided.          In plain words, when you do the maths,
                                                                              you can easily see that the shipyards’
                             In your experience, do you think the exist-      capacity cannot meet demand. We are
                             ing capacity of shipyards can cope with the      confident the situation will stabilise
                             demand from shipping companies?                  once  the  pandemic  restrictions  are
                                    Between 2014 and 2021, the number         fully lifted and future vessel designs
                                    of active global shipyards was nearly     are more settled. Shipyards offering
                                    halved. According to certain studies,     reliable, superior quality services will
                                    more than 230 yards were shut down,       thrive. Given the increasing specifica-
                                    proving that consolidation within the     tion and sophisticated requirements,
                                    shipbuilding industry is an ongoing pro-  shipyards will also need to modernise
                                    cess. Economic instability and major      their facilities and invest in technolo-
                                    disruptions,  such  as the  pandemic,     gies that will allow them to scale up
                                    geopolitical tensions, closures, and      their production without jeopardising
                                    mergers, do not support the viability     the quality of services offered to effec-
                                    of shipyards. On top of these factors,    tively manage the growing expectations
                                    we have been facing uncertainty sur-      and demand in the coming years.

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