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                                     ating in relatively harsh environments   or other assessments applicable to
                                     while typically working on a 24/7 basis   particular tasks. Depending on the
                                     to maximize its business potential.      specific project, we may use tools
                                     Working round the clock while ensur-     such as a project charter as part of
                                     ing smooth operation and production      the project’s take-off.  The project
                                     flows means  a good control of the       charter typically includes an analysis
                                     shipyard’s planned preventive main-      of the project’s fundamentals to define
                                     tenance in order to reduce unplanned     critical aspects such as scope, deliv-
                                     downtime ,i.e reactive maintenance.      erables, dependencies, planning mile-
                                     Planned maintenance work may require     stones, funding, constraints, known
                                     the restriction of certain operational   risks and mitigations, simultaneous
                                     activities at times, which further empha-  operations (SIMOPS), communication
                                     sises the need for proper planning and   strategy, management of change, etc.
                                     collaboration between the operations     During the roll-out phase, our work
                                     and maintenance departments.             is executed through a permit-to-work
                                     Regarding the yard’s size, a shipyard's   system, which includes work-specific
                                     capacity and capability are primarily    risk assessments that can be detailed
                                     determined during the planning phase.    further for specific tasks - as identi-
                                     However, this does not mean that a       fied during a HAZID/HAZOP study or
                                     shipyard cannot expand or increase       depicted in the project charter, for
                                     its ability to meet a demand for larg-   example.
          One of the most            er-sized vessels. A shipyard’s size,     After completing a project and during
            significant              capacity and capability are primarily    the closing phase, we hold sessions
           challenges in             determined during the planning phase.    to analyse the learning opportunities
             a shipyard              However, this does not mean that a       and proceed accordingly to a separate
          facility is its            shipyard cannot expand or increase       “lessons learned” process.
            maintenance              its ability to meet a demand for larg-
           requirements.             er-sized vessels. With the proper mar-  How does rising inflation affect a shipyard’s
             A yard has              ket and feasibility studies to support   negotiations with shipowners and suppliers?
           a large number            the business case, expanding a yard’s    Besides the demand/supply balance,
            of fixed and             size to diversify its scope or eliminate   which determines or alters the price
               mobile                docking restrictions to accommodate      of materials, inflation is another key
           assets opera-             larger vessels is always a consider-     element that may affect the shipyard’s
           ting in rela-             ation as part of its long-term devel-    competitiveness and negotiation ability,
            tively harsh             opment.                                  as both directly impact the cost of ser-
           environments.                                                      vices provided. For example, there have
                              What risk assessment techniques do you          been price increases in raw materials
                              apply to ensure the smooth execution of ship    such as steel, which heavily depends on
                              repair work?                                    the demand/supply chain. Depending
                                     Our industry faces numerous risks that   on the geographical position, we now
                                     must be mitigated to reach an accept-    see inflation spiking in many countries
                                     able level within which our company      due to the effects of recent geopoliti-
                                     operates. These risks may be related     cal events on energy prices.
                                     to safety, the environment, the ship-    In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, infla-
                                     yard facility, or other business aspects.   tion rates are within the normal range.
                                     Depending on the category, we use        However, since the shipping industry
                                     separate or combined risk assessment     and shipyards are part of the global
                                     techniques along with our risk matrix,   supply markets, it is inevitable that
                                     which quantifies them. Said assess-      shipyards would also be affected in
                                     ment techniques may complement           some way. Here at ABIC, we try our
                                     each other to achieve the best result.   best to absorb these price increments
                                     Project risk identification process      and remain competitive by increasing
                                     begins  with  a  commercial  enquiry,    our productivity and efficiency, reduc-
                                     which then steps into the estimation     ing rework in line with our “Do it right
                                     stage, including a risk assessment,      the first time” culture and reduce 3rd
                                     scope analysis, and contract review. If   party costs through relevant agree-
                                     required, we perform HAZID/HAZOP         ments.

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