P. 58


                        THE SECTOR HAS

                        TO COPE WITH THE

                        TWIN CHALLENGES

                        OF THE GREEN/

                        DIGITAL TRANSITION

                                                  How do you approach the human factor issue? Do you have any ini-
                                                  tiatives underway to attract, train and retain employees at your facil-
                                                  ity? Are you concerned about the labour shortages in many shipyards
                                                  around the world?
                                                         The shipbuilding and marine equipment industry, known as the
                                                         maritime technology sector, has created more than 1 million jobs
                                                         in Europe’s maritime regions. About 35% of the industry’s workers
                                                         have a higher education or technical background, while 60%
                                                         have vocational education and training (VET) or other specialised
                                                         So, the answer is yes, the marine technology industry is con-
                                                         cerned about its labour and looming labour shortages. Firstly,
                                                         the sector has to cope with the twin challenges of the green/
                                                         digital transition, for which it must be able to rely on a trained
                                                         and skilled workforce. Secondly, the sector’s current workforce
                                                         is ageing - about 40% are expected to retire in the next decade.
                                                         Hence, it needs to find new - preferably young - people with the
                                                         training and skills to deal with new megatrends, and this at a
                                                         time when there is fierce competition with other industries for
                                                         such people, and the completion is global.
                                                         Due to the complexity and extent of the green/digital agenda,
                                                         individual companies cannot tackle it alone, despite having pre-
                                                         pared intensive upskilling and reskilling plans. That is why the
                                                         sector is collectively involved in various EU initiatives through
                                                         SEA Europe, such as:

                                                         •   The European Skills Council: This project has produced a
                                                             report identifying the sector’s skills needs and employment
                                                             trends while making forecasts about future needs. It also
          by René Berkvens,                                  includes an analysis of the  qualitative evolution of sectoral
          SEA Europe’s Chair and                             skills while identifying innovative tools, national and regional
          Vice President of Damen Holding
                                                             strategies, local initiatives, and methods in place in countries
                                                             represented in the Skills Council.
                                                         •   The Upskilling Shipbuilding Workforce in Europe (USWE)

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