P. 62


                             MITIGATING RISKS

                             IN THE SHIPYARD


                                           How do you approach the human factor issue? Do you have any initia-
                                           tives underway to attract, train and retain employees at your facility?
                                           Are you concerned about the labour shortages in many shipyards around
                                           the world?
                                                   Here at Al Blagha Industrial Co. (ABIC), our number one asset is
                                                   and will remain our people.
                                                   As we diversify the type and nature of projects the shipyard can
                                                   undertake, we simultaneously need to broaden our skill set. For
                                                   this reason, we seek to recruit the best talent available at every
                                                   organisational level. Our employees’ expertise and skill set are a
                                                   vital part of our business’s success. However, this is not the only
                                                   part of the equation - we also endeavour to employ people with the
                                                   right attitude and mindset, which we consider of equal importance.
                                                   This is easier said than done, particularly in hands on positions
                                                   where attributes such as proactiveness and teamwork are more
                                                   difficult to distinguish at the time of recruitment. We therefore
                                                   emphasize on key organisational positions in junior management and
                                                   above, where proven experience and the right mindset are weighed
                                                   with the aim of seeding, inspiring, and developing the skill set and
                                                   positive behaviour. Although this process may require more effort,
                                                   we consider that the benefits of having this strategy outweigh its
                                                   drawbacks in the long run.
                                                   Having a targeted recruitment program alone however is not
                                                   enough. After recruiting the right personnel with the right skill and
                                                   mindset, we need to consider how we can maintain, motivate, and
                                                   further develop our employees. In this regard, we have developed a
                                                   multi-angular approach towards evaluation, recognition, and motiva-
                                                   tion. We see our employees as an integral part of the organisation
                                                   and our partners toward a common success path, and hence we
                                                   have taken a deep dive, in fully upgrading our evaluation program.
          by Alexandros Nomikos,                   It now offers a more comprehensive and objective angle while also
          Managing Director                        identifying the specific areas of improvement or development, which
          of Al Blagha Industrial                  we elaborate in dedicated meetings with each employee. We strongly
                                                   believe in this transparency and collaboration between an employee
                                                   and his line management and consider it mutually beneficial.

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