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In addition, we have developed a motivational system   towards aligning ourselves with these regulations,
                    which takes many forms and sizes and is part of our   provided there is sufficient time to react and adapt
                    Just Culture and Safety Incentive Procedure. This pro-  to each new requirement in order to process it effec-
                    cess rewards and motivates employees who deliver   tively.
                    outstanding safety or operational performance.    We have witnessed some delays in importing or
                                                                      distributing certain goods due to the authorities’
            How are environmental regulations impacting your business?  increased control of said items. In these cases, we are
                    From an environmental perspective, a shipyard is   hopeful and believe that said processes will smooth
                    a high-risk facility, and we at ABIC operate accord-  out over time due to as the experience develops.
                    ing to ISO 14001:2015 environmental management    To the extent that it is feasible, we have a proactive
                    standards.                                        approach in having the necessary documentation in
                    Due to the nature and complexity of our work,     place in a timely manner to avoid unnecessary delays
                    the waste produced, and the dynamics of change    and meet the requirements of our clients.
                    management, a solid system is required to be in   Further, we are currently transitioning towards green
                    place, many times even above standard, which not   and responsible vessel recycling according to the
                    only mitigates environmental risks to an accept-  highest applicable standards of the ISO 30000,
                    able level but also provides an emergency response   Hong Kong Convention, and EU regulations. Thus, not
                    when a risk is realised. We now measure environ-  only do we offer our clients a means to recycle their
                    mental aspects and impacts, and besides hazard-   assets responsibly, but we also lay the groundwork
                    ous waste segregation, we perform other types of   for the cyclical ecosystem between owners/yard/steel
                    segregation for the benefit of and minimising our   mills in the local market and foster a green culture in
                    carbon footprint. Meanwhile we are witnessing     the way we do things within our organisation.
                    environmental regulations becoming stricter and
                    expect this to continue in the years ahead. It is  What are the most significant challenges regarding a
                    everyone’s responsibility, and even more so the duty   shipyard’s infrastructure? Does the increasing size of ves-
                    of industries like ours, to minimise our impact on   sels make you consider developing new infrastructure to
                    the environment.                           accommodate bigger vessels?
                    We do not anticipate that environmental regula-   One of the most significant challenges in a shipyard
                    tions will become a limiting factor in our project   facility is its maintenance requirements as it has
                    redeliveries to our clients. Instead, we are working   a large number of fixed and mobile assets oper-

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