P. 56


          How often do you consider repositioning ships
          because of their special repair requirements or
          the fact that there are no reliable repair facili-
          ties/options in the area they trade?
                 Repositioning a vessel due to its repair
                 requirements is an option chosen often.
                 The prevailing economic market and
                 freight conditions, i.e., the vessel’s oper-
                 ational off-hire limitations and eliminat-
                 ing ballasting costs, are critical consid-
                 erations in exercising this option. It also
                 depends on the urgency of the particular
                 modification/repair requirements. Slot
                 availability is also crucial; if reliable
                 local facilities in the region where the
                 vessel is currently positioned cannot
                 offer a vessel repair slot, the vessel will   The selection of the most
                 need to be repositioned. The decision on   appropriate shipyard by any
                 whether to reposition a vessel must be a   shipowner is always a com-
                 thoroughly weighed, collective decision,   plex and multidimensional
                 taken jointly by technical managers who   process related to a variety
                 will assess alternative shipyard options   of determining factors.
                 and commercial teams, which have a
                 valuable understanding of the market
                 and chartering conditions.

          Has the strategy of choosing a shipyard
          changed due to the pandemic and the restric-
          tive measures that followed?
                 The pandemic disruption was a harsh
                 blow for shipyards worldwide, leading
                 to a global decline in demand for sea
                 transport. The European shipyards were
                 hit even harder. Q1 2020 figures were sim-
                 ilar to those of 2019. However, a 26.5%
                 decrease in overall ship calls was noted
                 in the second quarter, shortly after the
                 World Health Organisation declared
                 the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic.
                 Imports, exports, and intra-EU maritime
                 trade all declined dramatically in 2020.   Do you contact a shipyard directly to book a
                 The pandemic has entirely changed our  repair or use an agent instead?
                 way of life, our consumption patterns and,   It depends. Each company has its own
                 as such, vessel supply flows and global   policy and practices. I would opt for a
                 trading patterns. In addition, Covid-19   combination of both. We have estab-
                 safety protocols severely affected ship-  lished long-term collaborations with
                 yard availability and the complexity and   specific shipyards and therefore have
                 duration of carrying out vessel repairs,   an open line of communication, which
                 while long quarantine periods affected    is based on understanding and trust.
                 vessel repair periods, crew changes, the   In other cases, we may use an agent
                 easy access of owner representatives,     to negotiate better terms and condi-
                 delivery of spare parts, supplies etc.    tions with regional yards. However, the
                 These repercussions made vessel repair    principal objective in both cases is for
                 a complex equation with rapidly chang-    shipowners to provide a reliable, clear
                 ing conditions and challenges. Are those   list of their requirements and expecta-
                 significant reasons for choosing a reliable   tions and for shipyards to fulfil the work
                 shipyard? They definitely are!            specified in the repair agreement.

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