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ers when there is no demand. The repair yards are mainly
                        located in Asia, the Persian Gulf, and Europe. There are
                        large geographical areas, especially in the southern hemi-
                        sphere, where there are no shipyards. In these areas, ships
                        cannot get technical support, so they face serious issues if
                        unscheduled or emergency repairs are required.

            Has the shipyard selection strategy changed due to the pandemic and
            the restrictive measures that followed?
                        The Covid-19 restrictions necessitated a re-evaluation of
                        the drydocking preparation procedure. Local regulations
                        and quarantine periods were essential factors in yard eval-  Drydockings are planned
                        uation. Some companies hired local superintendents to   well in advance in coor-
                        attend drydockings or relocated the vessels and chose   dination with the charte-
                        yards in areas where COVID regulations were not as strict.   ring department to avoid
                        The yard’s restrictions were considered in planning the last   the cost of deviation from
                        voyage before the drydocking. In our case, at least one of   the last port of discharge
                        our superintendents stayed in China for a long time, and   and minimise the off-hire
                        we managed to supervise all drydockings.                          time.

            Do you contact a shipyard directly to book a repair or use an agent
                        In some cases, we approach a ship repair yard directly.
                        However, we usually book the yard through an agent. Rep-
                        utable and well-established agents have good knowledge
                        of the market and are advisors to the owner. The agent’s
                        relationship with the yard is crucial. Some agents have
                        personal contact with the yard’s top management and can
                        influence their decisions. Potentially, they could improve a
                        yard’s rates and gain priority and flexibility. In these cases,
                        agent involvement is very beneficial to a project.

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