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US coal-fired fleet retiring since 2008,   and natural gas may help these power   However, despite the optimistic out-
            leaving about 205,000 megawatts (MW)   plants extend their operations, com-  look on China’s iron ore imports in the
            in operation as of June 2022.     petitive pressures in the market remain   coming months, the country’s previously
            Some coal-fired power plant owners  because the cost to be fuel flexible  released figures for iron ore imports for
            have taken steps to make their plants   remains substantial, says the EIA.  2022 sow a downward trend compared
            more competitive rather than perma-                                 to 2021. In fact, this picture is also
            nently closing them, including making  IRON ORE-STEEL               consistent with China’s steel produc-
            their plants fuel flexible. Adding this                             tion this year. In July, output was 6.4%
            flexibility has allowed the plants to  Conflicting views on the future of the   lower than a year ago.
            respond better to market conditions   iron ore market
            by burning the most economical fuel.  The long-term outlook of the iron ore   The latest data on world steel pro-
            The EIA identified 13 US thermal plants   market is more optimistic than the  duction
            that converted to fuel flexibility in the   short-term view. Market analysts note   The World Steel Association recently
            past five years. Eight plants are located  that this may cause instability in iron   released data on world steel production
            in the Southeastern United States,  ore prices.                     in July 2022. World crude steel produc-
            mostly in Florida and the Carolinas. Ari-  The short and long-term outlook of   tion for the 64 countries reporting to
            zona, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Missouri,   the iron ore market largely depends on   the World Steel Association was 149.3
            and Oklahoma have one plan each t.  China, the largest steel producer and   million tonnes (Mt) in July 2022, a 6.5%
            The 13 plants have a total generating   importer of 70% of the world’s seaborne   decrease compared to July 2021.
            capacity of 16,522 MW.            iron ore. However, the fact that there  The output of the top 10 steel-produc-
            The 13 fuel-flexible plants have col-  is uncertainty regarding the prospects   ing countries in 2022
            lectively diversified their fuel mix, con-  of the Chinese economy makes it dif-    – China: 81.4 Mt by  July 2022,
            suming increasing amounts of natural  ficult to assess the future of the iron   down 6.4% on July 2021
            gas. The share of natural gas use versus   ore market.                    – India: 10.1 Mt, up 3.2%
            coal use at these plants increased from   BHP Group CEO Mike Henry weighed     – Japan: 7.3 Mt, down 8.5%.
            10% natural gas in 2018 to 30% nat-  in on the issue, claiming that China will     – The United States: 7.0 Mt,
            ural gas late in 2019, before reaching   be a stabilising factor in commodity   down 6.4%
            38% natural gas in 2020, according to   demand next year. According to Reuters,     – Russia:5.5 Mt, down 13.2%.
            data from our Power Plant Operations   for this optimistic scenario to become a     – South Korea: 6.1 Mt, down 0.6%
            Report. The rise in the natural gas share   reality, there would have to be very few     – Germany: 3.0 Mt, down 2.0%
            peaked when natural gas prices sank to   lockdowns in China, and any slowdown     – Turkey: 2.7 Mt, down 20.7%.
            low levels in 2020.               in global economic activity would have     – Brazil: 2.8 Mt, down 8.7%
            Although the flexibility to use both coal   to be very short.             – Iran: 2.0 Mt, up 34.1%

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