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economic growth pace combined with   prices, reduced hydropower generation
                                              manufacturing shutdowns, electricity   (the largest source of clean energy),
                                              rationing, low steel output, declining  and a generalised power crunch are
                                              iron ore demand, easing port conges-  all working in favour of this fossil fuel.
                                              tion, a deepening property crisis, and   During the first two weeks of August,
                                              energy supply challenges are all putting   Chinese power plants burnt a total of
                                              together a not much appealing picture.  8.16 million tonnes of thermal coal,
                                              Add to that the unknown Covid-19 fac-  marking a considerable 15% increase
                                              tor with the possibility of further lock-  from the same period last year; on 3
                                              downs come autumn, and you have a  August, the daily thermal coal con-
                                              much uncertain future to deal with.  sumption hit a record high of 8.5 mil-
                                                                                lion tonnes.
                                              The summer was (super) dry        However, this “rush for coal” incentiv-
                                              The recent extreme heat conditions   ises China to boost domestic produc-
                                              across the Northern Hemisphere –   tion of this dry fuel instead of import-
                                              China just experienced its driest sum-  ing more foreign coal (which would be
                                              mer in the last 61 years, Europe is fac-  a breath of fresh air for the shipping
                                              ing its worst drought in 500 years, and   market). During the first half of the
                                              the American West the worst drought   year, China mined 2.19 billion tonnes
                                              in 1,200 years – underline the climate   of thermal coal, an 11% rise from 1H21,
                                              of aggravated energy crisis the world   whereas its total coal imports dropped
                                              is currently living in.           by 17.5% y/y to 115 million tonnes.
                                              Much has been written about the urgent   The clear winner in coal flows, how-
                                              need for environmental action to reduce   ever, has been Russia. Even though
                                              dependency on fossil fuels. Still, a prag-  Europe sanctioned Russian coal in
                                              matist would tell you that, for the time   August, China is following a different
                                              being, coal is virtually an indispensable   trajectory by upping its coal imports
                                              fuel in producing electrical power.  from Russia (at a convenient discount
                                              If anything, the recent dry summer sea-  nonetheless): in July, the Asian nation
                                              son and the Russia-Ukraine war have   imported 7.42 million tonnes of Rus-
                                              amplified that very reality: soaring gas   sian coal, a 14% y/y rise and a 5-year

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