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                                        high. The trend of increased Russian coal   expected to up its soybean exports in
                                        flows into China is expected to advance   the 2022/23 season to 92 million tonnes,
                                        during the fourth quarter when Chinese   up more than 19% compared to the pre-
                                        utilities are stock building ahead of the  vious marketing year. This gives hope to
                                        winter season.                      earnings projections for the medium-sized
                                        India, the world’s second-largest coal   bulkers that usually carry the commodity
                                        consumer and importer, has been follow-  on long-haul voyages.
                                        ing the same pattern: in July, it imported   Further, Canada is expected to harvest
                                        1.29 million tonnes of Russian thermal  55% more wheat than last year (about
                                        coal, up 70.3% m/m, making Russia its   34.6 million tonnes) and 42% more canola
                                        third-largest coal supplier.  This has  (circa 19.5 million tonnes, which would be
                                        been at the expense of Australian coal,   the highest in 3 years).
                                        with Queensland’s coal exports in the   Overall, China’s feed needs remain ele-
                                        first seven months of the year dropping   vated, lending hope to the shipping mar-
                                        by 6% y/y and DBCT’s exports, in par-  kets as China is said to be postponing its
                                        ticular, reaching 5-year lows.      grain purchases until the last quarter in
                                                                            anticipation of a large US harvest (esti-
                                        A global food crisis                mated at around 123 million tonnes), put-
                                        The Russia-Ukraine conflict has exacer-  ting pressure on commodity prices.
                                        bated the looming food crisis. And, of   Although the US dollar is continuously
                Τhe weakening           course, geopolitics has been at the fore-  gaining value and the profit margins of
                world economic          front of the news, affecting several parts   Chinese crushers remain narrow, in the
                    growth,             of our daily lives, with shipping not being   2022/23 marketing year, China is esti-
               geopolitics, an          exempted from this reality.         mated to up its soybean imports by nearly
                ongoing global          Ukraine and Russia account for 30% of   9% to 98 million tonnes.
                health crisis,          globally traded wheat and 20% of maise,
              food insecurity,          which somewhat puts into perspective   Volatility is your friend
               extreme weather          the world’s supply shortage of grains   Surely it can be an enemy too but in this
                 conditions,            and oilseeds. To address that issue, the   moment in history with an array of unpre-
                environmental           UN brokered a landmark deal in July to   dictable parameters running simultane-
                 targets and            designate a special grain corridor in the   ously, it would be easier (and most effec-
               decarbonisation          Black Sea to enable grain exports from   tive) to embrace volatility as an inherent
              objectives, make          the region and, to a certain extent, ease   element of this fascinating industry and
               for a sweet and          the global food crisis.             make it your friend.
                sour cocktail.          The deal was put forward mainly to free   Yes, it is easier said than done. Still, the
                                        ships stranded in Black Sea ports since   weakening world economic growth, geo-
                                        February when the Russia-Ukraine war   politics, ongoing global health crisis, food
                                        broke out and, to a lesser extent, to  insecurity, extreme weather conditions,
                                        allow fresh cargoes to enter the market.   environmental targets, and decarbonisa-
                                        The latter is still a work in progress, as it   tion objectives make for a sweet and sour
                                        raises a number of logistics and insurance   cocktail.
                                        complexities, which many owners do not   Overall, the macro tonnage supply/
                                        seem keen to get themselves involved in   demand fundamentals remain positive,
                                        for the moment.                     which implies that the dry bulk outlook
                                        In addition, Ukraine’s grain harvest is   also remains cautiously positive for the
                                        forecast to drop by nearly 38% this year,   mid to long-term.
                                        owing to the ongoing war and adverse  What the low newbuilding orderbook,
                                        weather conditions; thus, we don’t expect   modest tonnage growth, projections for
                                        the Black Sea grain trade to have any  high fleet utilisation, and the upcoming
                                        significant positive effect on the freight   EEXI requirements (expected to slow
                                        rates in the mid-term. In the shorter term,   down the world’s fleet) essentially mean
                                        however, Ukrainian officials expect that  is that a minimal increase in demand is
                                        Ukraine will see its agricultural exports   required for dry bulk players to continue
                                        nearing 6.5 million tonnes in October,  to navigate the freight market comfort-
                                        double what was exported in July.   ably. And at least, that is something to
                                        As for the world’s largest grain supplier,   get us all going towards the final stretch
                                        Brazil, the Latin American country is   of the year.

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