P. 158


         No doubt we are all sad that summer has come to an end, although it was disappointing
         for most dry bulk shipowners, who saw their daily earnings dropping steeply and wit-
         nessed the BDI at 2-year lows.

                          DRY BULK MARKET:



                                           And although it is natural for market   NPLs (non-performing loans) to prop-
                                           players to try to detect seasonal or  erty developers have doubled during
                                           other patterns to explain or predict the   the first half of the year to CNY11.20
                                           market cycles, the year thus far has been   billion, while the bank’s credit losses
                                           somewhat unpredictable. For the past   during the same period jumped by 58%
                                           several years, Q3 rates have been mark-  y/y, mainly due to real estate customers.
                                           edly higher than those achieved in the   That said, there has recently been talk
                                           last quarter, but this year’s weak summer   about China releasing circa CNY300
                                           rates have called into question the new   billion (or US$44 billion) in infrastruc-
                                           pattern slowly starting to take shape.  ture spending. Of course, this is wel-
                                           August closed with Capesize bulkers   come news for metals markets, but
                                           achieving a weak US$2,500 per day on  it might take several months for said
                                           average, the medium-sized Kamsarmax  funds to realise in the economy and
                                           carriers less than US$11,000 daily, and   trigger demand.
                                           the Supramax vessels US$17,800/d. At  In the year’s first seven months, Chi-
                                           the same time, futures marks have been   nese steel production dropped by 6.4%
                                           on a proper freefall, weakening whatever   compared to the same period last year.
                                           confidence was left in the market. On a   The downward trend in the country’s
                                           comforting note, when the market bot-  steel output also justifies the decline
                                           toms, the only way is back up!    in iron ore imports, found less by 3.4%
                                                                             y/y. Further, Goldman Sachs expects
                                           China picture bleak               Chinese full-year steel demand to
                                           While the developments in the Rus-  decline by 5%.
                                           sia-Ukraine front have definitely shaken   At the same time, China has suffered
                                           things up, the main driver of the dry bulk   a severe heatwave and drought, the
                                           market (and the one to usually blame   worst in 6 decades, affecting hydro-
                                           when the physical market follows a   power generation and forcing nearly
                                           downward spiral) is none other than   20 steel mills to temporarily shut down
                                           China.                            operations for about a week in mid-Au-
                                           It is telling that the IMF has revised   gust, which, albeit for a short period,
                                           its forecast downward for China’s 2022   comes to highlight the country’s ongo-
                                           full-year economic growth to 3.3%,   ing power crisis and electricity short-
                                           a figure which, if realised, will be the   ages and has adversely impacted ore
                                           lowest growth pace in over 4 decades.   demand. At the time of writing, the
                                           And although the Chinese banks have   spot price of iron ore 62% Fe delivered
                                           lowered mortgage rates and there are   to China stands at about US$95/t.
                                           already announcements for upcoming  For the balance of the year, we don’t
                                           policy support, the country’s property   expect iron ore fundamentals to shift
         by Sevi Katemoglou,               sector (which consumes about a third of   dramatically  from  the  admittedly
         Founder & Dry Cargo Shipbroker    domestic steel demand) remains weak.  uncertain point at which they currently
         at EastGate Shipping Inc
                                           Indicatively, China Merchants Bank’s  stand. China’s (and the world’s) softer

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