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         GRAINS                     WHEAT                                tistical agency said, using satellite imagery
                                                                         and agroclimatic data to make the estimates.
                                    The latest forecasts on global production,   The increase in expected total wheat produc-
                                    consumption, and trade               tion is attributable primarily to spring wheat,
                                    The US Department of Agriculture (USDA)  which is anticipated to rise by 57.3 % to 25.6
                                    recently published its monthly ‘’World Agricul-  million tonnes, and durum wheat production
                                    tural Supply and Demand Estimates’’ report for   is expected to increase by 113% to 6.5 million
                                    August. The global wheat outlook for 2022/23   tonnes, the agency said.
                                    is for higher supplies, greater consumption,   Due to record-high temperatures and little
                                    increased trade, and fractionally lower stocks.   rain, the yield in 2021 decreased by 38.1%
                                    Supplies are raised by 4.2 million tons to  from 2020 to 31.6 bushels per acre, the low-
                                    1,055.9 million as higher production more than   est wheat yield in two decades, according to
                                    offsets reduced beginning stocks. Production   Statistics Canada.
                                    is increased to a record 779.6 million tons, pri-  As a result, Canadian wheat production in 2021
                                    marily on higher production for Russia, Austra-  fell by 38.5% from 2020 to 21.7 million tonnes
                                    lia, and China. Russia’s production is raised 6.5   or an annual loss of 14 million tonnes.
                                    million tons to a record 88.0 million on higher
                                    harvested area and yield. Australia’s produc-  SOYBEAN
                                    tion is raised 3.0 million tons to 33.0 million
                                    as increasingly favourable weather conditions   World production to reach high record levels
                                    indicate higher yield prospects. China’s produc-  With downward adjustments for maise and
                                    tion is increased 3.0 million tons to 138.0 million   sorghum more than offsetting an increase
                                    tons on the National Bureau of Statistics sum-  for wheat, the International Grains Council’s
                                    mer grain report, primarily on the higher har-  forecast on total grains (wheat and coarse
                                    vested area. Partially offsetting these increases   grains) production for 2022/2023 is lowered
                                    are reductions for India and the EU.    by 4m t m/m (month-on-month), to 2,248m.
                                    Projected 2022/23 world consumption is   The Council’s soybean supply and demand fig-
                                    raised 4.4 million tons to 788.6 million, led   ures in 2021/22 are little-changed m/m, with
                                    by higher feed and residual use for Russia  trade seen dropping by 3% y/y (year-on-year).
                                    and Australia. Projected 2022/23 global   Uprated outlooks for leading producers lift
                                    trade is raised 3.2 million tons to 208.6 mil-  the 2022/23 output projection by 3m t m/m,
                                    lion on higher exports by Russia, Australia,   to a record of 389mt (+11% y/y). Prospects for
                                    Ukraine, Canada, and the United States more   growth in uptake of soya products in feed, food
                                    than offsetting lower exports from the EU   and industrial sectors should support gains in
                                    and Argentina. Russia’s exports are raised to   total use, to a record of 379m t, while solid
                                    a record 42.0 million tons on greater export-  inventory accumulation is anticipated. Global
                                    able supplies and expectations that export   import demand is tentatively seen rebounding
                                    prices will remain competitive. Projected  by 8% y/y, with southern hemisphere exporters
                                    2022/23 world-ending stocks are reduced  expected to account for an increased share
                                    fractionally to 267.3 million tons and remain   of trade.
                                    at the lowest level in six years.
                                                                         China lowers its import estimate
                                    Canada’s production set to increase    China’s Ministry of Agriculture lowered its
                                    by 55 pct                            2021/2022 soybean import estimate by 1.98
                                    Canada’s 2022 wheat production is projected   million tonnes, mainly due to reduced demand
                                    to increase by 55.1% year over year to 34.6 mil-  for animal feed. The revised estimate talks
                                    lion tonnes, mainly attributable to better than   about soybean imports of 91.02 million tonnes
                                    anticipated yields and higher harvest area, notes   this year.
                                    Statistics Canada. It would be the third largest   Based on the same ministry report, Chinese
                                    wheat crop in Canadian history if realised.  soybean imports will be down 8.8% compared
                                    The increase is driven mainly by better grow-  to last year, while the forecast for imports in
                                    ing conditions in Western Canada, according   2022/2023 remained unchanged. The report
                                    to Statistics Canada.                said the ministry’s estimate for corn produc-
                                    The anticipated yields are expected to rise   tion, imports, and consumption remained
                                    by 41.6 % to 51.1 bushels per acre, and the   unchanged, although cold temperatures and
                                    harvested area is expected to increase by   heavy rains in the northeast may affect the
                                    9.4% to 24.9 million acres, the national sta-  market picture.

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