P. 166


          WET BULK                         CRUDE OIL                         early June through to early August,
                                                                             implied gasoline demand (4-week roll-
          CARGOES                          ING: The market is likely to remain in   ing average) in the US has lagged the
                                           surplus for the remainder of this year
                                                                             5-year average by almost 450Mbbls/d.
                                           Stubborn Russian oil output and weaker   In addition, Chinese demand has clearly
                                           than expected demand growth mean  been disappointing this year, leading to
                                           the oil market is likely to remain in sur-  significant revisions to global demand
                                           plus for the remainder of this year and   estimates. There had been expectations
                                           into early next year, which should limit   that it would come back strong follow-
                                           the upside in oil prices, says ING. Time   ing the easing of lockdown measures
                                           spreads also point towards a looser   in Beijing and Shanghai in the second
                                           market, with the backwardation in the   quarter.
                                           prompt spreads narrowing significantly   In 2022, global oil demand is expected
                                           in recent weeks. The IEA estimates  to grow by a little over 2MMbbls/d,
                                           that Russian oil production was around   while a similar growth is expected for
                                           310Mbbls/d below pre-war levels in July.   2023, which would mean that in 2023,
                                           Despite sanctions, the decline in out-  global oil demand will exceed pre-Covid
                                           put has been much more modest than   levels. However, next year’s growth will
                                           many in the market expected. IEA num-  depend largely on a recovery in China
                                           bers suggest that Russian oil exports   and also on how severe any potential
                                           came in at 7.4MMbbls/d in July, which   recession in the US and Europe is.
                                           is only slightly below the 7.5MMbbls/d   As a result, ING has lowered its oil price
                                           exported over 2021.               forecast for the remainder of this year.
                                           Demand growth forecasts have been   However, given that inventories are at
                                           consistently downgraded as we have  historically low levels, ING still believes
                                           moved through the year. And EIA data   that prices will remain elevated, whilst
                                           provides clear evidence of demand   limited OPEC spare capacity and uncer-
                                           destruction. The US implied gasoline  tainty over how Russian flows will evolve
                                           demand has underperformed since  once the EU ban comes into full force
                                           early June. Generally, expect demand  should also limit the downside in the
                                           to trend higher over the summer driv-  medium term.
                                           ing season. Still, higher prices have led   ING has lowered its 3Q22 and 4Q22
                                           to US gasoline demand trending quite   Brent forecasts from US$118/bbl and
                                           some distance below the 5-year aver-  US$125/bbl to US$100/bbl and US$97/
                                           age (and this average includes 2020  bbl, respectively. Its full-year 2023
                                           data – a period of weaker demand due   Brent forecast has been revised from
                                           to Covid). EIA data shows that from   US$99/bl to US$97/bbl.

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