P. 162

From production to seaborne transport and consumption


          Edited by:
          Giannis Theodoropoulos,
          Manos Charitos                    AN INSIGHT FOR SUPPLY AND DEMAND TRENDS

          DRY BULK                         COAL                              exported 441.5 million tonnes of coal,
                                                                             equal to 31% of global coal exports. All
          CARGOES                          Indonesia  blocks 48  coal  miners’   exports are moved by ship and in 2021
                                                                             were equal to 8% of global dry bulk
                                           On 9 August, the Indonesian Energy and   cargo demand,” says Niels Rasmussen,
                                           Mineral Resources Minister announced   Chief Shipping Analyst at BIMCO.
                                           that 71 coal miners had failed to meet   The partial Indonesian export ban coin-
                                           their domestic market obligations and   cides with the full implementation of
                                           that 48 of them are now banned from   the European Union’s ban on Russian
                                           exporting coal. The ban comes into   coal. In 2021, The EU imported 39 mil-
                                           force just as the EU ban on Russian coal   lion tonnes of coal from Russia, equal
                                           has taken full effect and demand for  to 36% of EU coal imports. The EU’s
                                           non-Russian coal has been increasing.   demand for coal has increased year-
                                           Indonesia is the world’s largest exporter   to-date and is expected to increase
                                           of coal. In January 2022, the country   further as the bloc turns to coal to
                                           completely banned coal exports to  replace missing natural gas supplies
                                           protect its domestic supply. Since the   from Russia.
                                           ban was lifted in February, miners have
                                           been obligated to sell 25% of coal in   Changes in the USA energy landscape
                                           the domestic market to protect against   The amount of electric power produced
                                           future energy crises.             from coal has been steadily declining in
                                           Despite legislators’ concern over  the United States over the past 10 years,
                                           shrinking domestic coal stocks, for   falling to a 46-year low of 773,393 giga-
                                           now, another outright ban on all coal  watt-hours (GWh) in 2020. Although US
                                           exports remains unlikely. Inventories in   coal-fired generation increased by 16%
                                           the state’s power utility company PLN   to 898,679 GWh in 2021, the US Energy
                                           remain above 4.5 million tonnes, a level   Information Administration (EIA) forecasts
                                           considered to be secure.          a continued move away from coal. To be
                                           The names of the 48 miners have not been   more competitive in the electric power
                                           revealed, and the Indonesia Coal Mining   market, some coal-fired plants are add-
                                           Association are contesting the ban.    ing natural gas-fired generation to their
                                           The announcement comes only one  coal-fired capacity (a fuel-flexible plant).
                                           month after Indonesia pledged to  The decline in US coal-fired genera-
                                           increase coal production to help meet   tion has resulted chiefly from coal-fired
                                           demand from countries that have lost   plants becoming uneconomical com-
                                           supplies from Russia.             pared with other sources of fuel for elec-
                                           “Indonesia is the  world’s largest  tric power. This loss of competitiveness
                                           exporter of coal. In 2021, the country   has resulted in nearly one-third of the

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