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                                                                             about 30% of dirty tanker trade tonne
                                                                             miles in 2021, according to Signal
                                                                             Ocean statistics. From 2010 to 2020,
                                                                             China’s crude imports grew at an aver-
                                                                             age annual rate of 8.5% and have been
                                                                             the key demand driver for both crude oil
                                                                             and crude tanker demand, according to
                                                                             a BIMCO analysis.
                                                                             According to the General Administra-
                                                                             tion of Customs China (GACC), crude oil
                                                                             volumes in July amounted to 34.1 million
                                                                             tonnes. Volumes are thereby down 9.2%
                                                                             on 2021 and 27.2% lower than July 2020.
                                                                             January through July volumes has fallen
                                                                             3.9% this year compared to the same
                                                                             period in 2021, which was already down
                                                                             5.7% against 2020.
                                                                             Seaborne volumes have fallen similarly;
                                                                             however, dirty tanker trade deadweight
                                                                             tonne miles have dropped 9.6% in the
                                                                             first seven months of 2022 compared
                                                                             to last year, according to Signal Ocean
                                                                             statistics. Compared to 2021, China has
                                                                             this year favoured imports from the Per-
                                                                             sian Gulf, Southeast Asia, and Russia
                                                                             over crude from Brazil, the USA, and
                                                                             West Africa. On average, longer trades
                                                                             have been replaced by shorter ones.
                                                                             “Crude oil demand in China has suf-
                                                                             fered from low local demand due to
                                           Barclays sees  surplus driving Brent   COVID-19 lockdowns. A combination of
                                           prices down                       high product inventories, a cap on retail
                                           British Barclays Bank has revised its oil   gasoline and diesel prices once crude
                                           price forecasts. As reported by Reuters,   hits USD 80/barrel, and lower export
                                           Barclays expects an oversupply of crude   quotas (so far 39% lower than in 2021)
                                           oil on the market in the short term, which   discouraging refineries from ramping up
                                           will lead to a drop in prices; therefore, it   production have also hurt demand for
                                           lowered its Brent price forecasts by $8 per   crude oil,” says BIMCO’s Chief Shipping
                                           barrel for 2022 and 202. As for WTI, the lat-  Analyst, Niels Rasmussen.
                                           est forecast is for $99/barrel for both years.
                                           At the same time, the bank notes that  LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS (LNG)
                                           due to the impending slowdown of the
                                           economy, which may lead to a drop in oil   US: Τhe largest exporter for the first
                                           demand, OPEC+ may further reduce its   half of 2022
                                           production. In any event, such a reduc-  The role of the US in global energy
                                           tion would not reach 2020 levels.  trade has been upgraded due to LNG
                                           OPEC+ countries are expected to   as, in the first half of 2022, it became
                                           increase their monthly output by 100,000   the world’s largest liquefied natural gas
                                           bpd in September.                 (LNG) exporter for the first half of 202.
                                                                             According to data from International
                                           China’s July imports hit a 4-year low  Association for Natural Gas - Cedigaz,
                                           China is the world’s largest importer of   US LNG exports increased by 12% in the
                                           crude oil, accounting for approximately   first half of 2022 compared with the sec-
                                           25% of global crude import volumes.   ond half of 2021, averaging 11.2 billion
                                           The country’s crude imports are also  cubic feet per day (Bcf/d). This increase
                                           equal to about 25% of global seaborne   was due to– increased LNG export
                                           crude oil volumes, which contributed to   capacity, the global increase in natu-

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