P. 156


                              “SIR DAVID ATTENBOROUGH”

                              READY FOR ANTARCTICA


                              Plowing through polar ice exposes the risk of  inspection was carried out before laser cladding.
                              damage to a ship´s propulsion and steering   The spots/marks were repaired by micro welding
                              equipment.                              - a welding technique that is ideal for smaller
                              The 2021 British build one-of-a-kind research  imparks/spots.
                              vessel “Sir David Attenborough” has completed  After machining the damaged areas on the rud-
                              extensive sea trials, and her first trip to Antarctica.  der stock's lower cone and the rudder stock´s
                              At a yard stay at Orskov Yard in Denmark this sum-  upper journal, we welded up the areas by laser
                              mer, damage to the rudder equipment was con-  cladding. Rebuilding damaged areas by laser
                              firmed. The cause of the damages found on the  cladding is a very fast and accurate welding
                              rudder equipment remains unknown, but Marine-  method.
                              Shaft got the order for repair of the rudder equip-  After the laser cladding process, the rudder
                              ment, which was sent to MarineShaft´s workshop   stock was machined, and NDT tests were car-
                              facilities in Hirtshals, Denmark.       ried out ensuring that everything went according
                              Case: The rudder stock had turned inside the  to class regulations, which in this case was LR.
                              steering gear leaving scratches and marks on the
                              upper part of the rudder stock. Furthermore, the   Rudder blade
                              rudder blade and rudder stock connection had suf-  The damages inside the rudder cone  were
                              fered damage. The dimension of the rudder stock   machined and fitted to the new dimension of
                              was Ø639 x 5720 mm.                     the rudder stock cone.
                                                                      Before returning the equipment, the rudder stock
                              Rudder stock                            was treated with rust protection. On-site Marine-
                              After MarineShaft’s inspection/measurements of   Shaft assisted the yard with mobile machining of
                              the rudder stock, the steering gear rotor inner   the rudder trunk.
                              sleeve was removed. The rudder stock´s lower
                              cone had been damaged.                  Go to for more information or
                              MarineShaft has class approval to carry out class  use the contact details below.
                              approved laser cladding and micro welding, and   MarineShaft A/S - Pier 2, 9850 Hirtshals,
                              both “cold” welding techniques were used for  Denmark
                              this repair. The damaged areas were machined  Phone: +45 96560202
                              and prepared for welding, and liquid penetrant   Email:

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