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         ECO Fibers are polymers with a lower environmental   Instead of being disposed into the oceans at the
         impact than common industrial polymers derived  end of their useful life, mooring ropes can be
         from the direct processing of crude oil and natural   returned to be reused for the production of raw
         gas. They are made by melting polymers derived from   material, thus significantly reducing plastic waste.
         unused plastics, and in this way, melted polyester is   As the reuse melting of polyester or polyamide
         remade into polyester fibers or melted nylon into   is a much less energy-intensive process than
         polyamide fibers.                          the production of primary polymers, it limits the
         ECO fiber production requires 59% less energy   consumption of natural energy resources and
         than primary industrial polymers, which is critical  reduces CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, thus
         for protecting and conserving the planet’s natural   contributing significantly to the containment of
         resources. That places them in a much better ranking   climate change.
         in terms of carbon dioxide emissions than primary  Eco Ropes help reduce plastic waste, and the
         industrial polymers as it mitigates the effects  reuse of plastic polymers gives a “second life” to
         of climate change and ensures a better-quality   non-biodegradable materials whose disposal in
         atmosphere and cleaner water resources for future   the oceans and landfills is fatal for marine life and
         generations. ECO fibers are Global Recycled Standard   destroys the environment.
         (GRS) certified. The GRS is a product standard for  Akis Zygouris, Marketing and RnD Executive of
         verifying the content of recycled materials in a final   KATRADIS group, states: “For KATRADIS, innovation
         product. Its objectives are to ensure accurate content   means continuous improvement of products and
         claims and to set standards for minimizing the harmful   their production processes in order to get the best
         effects of chemicals on the environment.   results for our customers and the environment. Eco
                                                    Rope is our “greenest” rope as it maintains high
                                                    quality and performance and at the same time helps
                                                    to reduce industrial pollution. The use of these eco-
                                                    friendly ropes can greatly improve the sustainable
                                                    development of our shipping industry.”

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