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                          EFFORTS FOR EUROPEAN

                          EXCELLENCE IN MARITIME

                          TRAINING AND EDUCATION


                                           European Directives on Centres of   social partners, Member States, train-
                                           Excellence                        ing institutions and other stakeholders
                                           Three main issues in the global seafar-  is necessary to investigate the possi-
                                           ers’ labour market have forced the Euro-  bility of creating a voluntary system of
                                           pean Union (EU) to focus on maritime   harmonised certificates going beyond
                                           training and advanced levels of mari-  the STCW in the level of training, to
                                           time education. Firstly, the EU acknowl-  increase the competitive advantage of
                                           edges that the number of European   European seafarers. Such an STCW+
                                           officers has been steadily decreasing.   could establish “maritime certificates
                                           Second, the increasing specialisation   of excellence” based on European mari-
                                           of ships has intensified the need for a   time postgraduate courses, which would
                                           sufficient number of people with the  provide European seafarers with skills
                                           knowledge and practical experience to   above and beyond those required at
                                           operate sophisticated ships. Finally, the   the international level. The increasing
                                           importance of the maritime industry to   digitisation of the maritime
                                           the EU underlines the need to support   Furthermore, in amendment 9 of the
                                           the competitiveness of EU crews.  same report, the Commission proposes
                                           The Maritime Centers of Excellence   the award of a European Maritime
                                           (MCE) are at the core of European  Diploma of Excellence, emphasising
                                           maritime competitiveness. However, the   the benefits derived from the exchange
                                           relevant Directives on maritime training   of good practices among the Member
                                           and education do not clarify the oper-  States and that encouragement should
                                           ation of MCEs.                    be given to promoting the Erasmus+
                                           The idea of MCEs was conceived by  scheme for seafarer training. At this
                                           the European Commission, which has   point, it is worth noting that maritime
                                           been making efforts through its com-  Diplomas of Excellence are provided
                                           petent Commissioners to include them   for in Directive 2019/1159 and Directive
                                           in European directives and specify   2022/993. More precisely, in article 26
                                           their operation. For example, in the   of Directive 2019/1159 and article 28 of
         by Despina Kiltidou,              Report for the Amendment of Directive   Directive 2022/993, it is stressed that:
         Attorney-at-Law, Doctor of Laws (Auth),   2008/106/EC., in amendment 11, it is  “The Commission’s evaluation report,
         Post Doc researcher (UoM)
                                           stated that: “A broad debate involving   which will be submitted no later than 4

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