P. 129

August 2024, will include suggestions   is designed primarily for the (high-level)
            for follow-up actions to be taken in the  administration of METs and is useful for   D. ARGOUDELIS & CO S.A.
            light of that evaluation. The Commis-  both internal and external evaluation of
            sion will also evaluate any develop-  MET Institutions operable at the MET/
            ments regarding a future consideration  module level.
            of the European Maritime Diplomas of   To sum up, as not all European estab-
            Excellence, as underpinned by the rec-  lishments face the same problems, the
            ommendations provided by the social   criteria mentioned above are flexible
            partners”.                        and adjustable to the evolving needs of
                                              MCEs in each country that is a member
            Essential tools promoting interna-  state of the EU. As can be concluded,
            tionalisation, collaborations, and  strengthening internal evaluations and
            improved facilities               internationalising maritime education is
            SKILLSEA, a recent academic project,   at the heart of the academic communi-
            examines the contemporary challenges   ty's interest, which plays a pivotal role
            faced by Maritime Education and Train-  in improving the MCEs.
            ing institutions (METs) and Maritime
            Training Centers (MTCs) and focuses  Concluding remarks
            on the necessity of effective strategic   The EU is making efforts to support the
            planning, including tools designed to   idea of advanced knowledge and train-
            enable decision-makers to make choices   ing through maritime education (CME)
            against pre-determined criteria. The first   certification. Nevertheless, a precise
            tool is the Strategy Direction Location   schedule has not yet been set for EU
            (STRA.D.L.) tool, which aims to facili-  legislation. The Commission holds the
            tate decision-makers in choosing among   initiative through the evaluation report
            strategic cooperation options open to   to highlight the issue. Moreover, the
            METs in view of their internationalisa-  European Parliament has called for
            tion. The STRA.D.L allows METs/MTCs   cooperation between social partners
            to map internal and external attributes   without  setting  a  concrete  plan or
            and select their internationalisation  defining their roles and tasks. Further-
            partners. Its internal criteria pertain to   more, both the SKILLSEA academic   AUTOMATION
            the internal strategic plans of a MET   project and the European Directives
            or MTC, including internal facilities,   mention that advanced level maritime   Services
            modules etc. The external criteria refer   knowledge can be approached through
            to established international partner-  international partnerships and student
            ships, international libraries, interna-  exchange. However, the structure of
            tional students, exchange of students  these partnerships/student exchanges
            etc. The second tool is the Transcript   is not mentioned explicitly in the rel-  Electrical
            International Transfer (Trans. IT) tool.  evant European Directives. Finally, a
            This Module Similarity Tool supports   further issue is that the EU focuses   Hydraulic
            the transferability and recognition of  exclusively on upskilling EU seafarers.
            modules and helps assess the similarity  In contrast, the scope in other maritime
            of modules using the foundations of the   countries is improving their maritime   Pneumatic
            European Quality Framework. The last   sector by including the upskilling in
            tool, the Strategic Evaluation MET tool,   other maritime shore-based jobs.

            1 See Directive 2019/1159of the European Parliament and the Council, OJ L 188,
            12.7.2019, p. 94–105 and Directive 2022/993 of the European Parliament and the
            Council, OJ L 169, 27.6.2022, p. 45–90.
                                                                                    Contact us:   20, Fokionos Str.,
            2 See Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and   +30 210 461 5831  185 45 Piraeus Greece
            of the Council amending Directive 2008/106/EC on the minimum level of training
            of seafarers and repealing Directive 2005/45/EC, COM(2018)0315, available at
  , accessed at   w
            29.08.22                                                                           in
            3 See       CMA D. ARGOUDELIS & CO S.A.
            tive-tools-to-try.                                                                    CMA D. ARGOUDELIS & CO S.A.

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