P. 131

Figure 2                          The graph below shows the reasons for which first-year cadets use the Internet and how important
                                              they consider each reason on a scale from "not at important" to "very important".

               Communicating/Using social media  7%   16%             34%                      44%

              Listening to music/ Watching videos  6%  19%              35%                    40%

                       Watching movies or series  12%      21%            26%              25%           16%

                                    Browsing   6%      19%              34%                27%           14%

                Acquiring encyclopedic knowledge  8%      26%                 37%                20%       9%

                             Reading the news   11%         28%                 32%              20%       10%

                                      Games         29%                 28%              21%        13%    9%

                             Weather forecasts   15%              36%                  27%          13%    9%

                * Does not include percentages under 5%  Not at all  Slightly  Moderately  A lot        Very

                              Indicatively, almost three out of ten (29%) of the   dents use the Internet is to play music or videos.
                              survey participants answered that they use the   Three out of four said they use the Internet
                              Internet for more than 20 hours a week (i.e., at   “a lot” or “very much” to play music or videos.
                              least 2.8 hours a day) compared to over a third   Between the two sexes, the percentages do not
                              (36%) of participants, who answered they use it   differ significantly (77% for female students and
                              for less than 10 hours a week.            74% for male students).
                              Four out of ten (40%) female first-year students   Using the Internet for games or weather forecasts
                              answered that they use the Internet for less than   seems less important to first-year maritime stu-
                              10 hours a week. For male first-year students, this   dents. 57% of students answered that gaming is a
                              percentage does not change significantly (36%).  “slightly” important or “not at all” important reason
                                                                        for using the Internet. The respective percentage
                              REASONS FOR USING THE INTERNET            for weather forecasts was 51%. However, one sig-
                              Of the first-year students surveyed, almost eight out   nificant difference between the two sexes is that
                              of ten (78%) said they use the Internet “quite a lot”   more than three out of four female respondents
                              or “a lot” to communicate with friends or use social   (78%) said that games are a “slightly” important
                              media. For female students, this percentage increases   or a “not at all” important reason for using the
                              to 85% (vs 76% for male students).        Internet.
                              A particularly important reason first-year stu-  As mentioned earlier, 250 (or 29%) of the first-
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                                                   Accred ted Conformance Assessment Body
                The Strateg c Partner of Cho ce
                for Th rd Party Assessment & Cert f cat on
                            SCHEME                                SCHEME                           SCHEME
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