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                                              JUST A


            stop trying to provide products and ser-  technological solutions in the era of   on trust and respect for our people
            vices that aptly reflect your growth and  digitalisation and big data analytics?  and business partners, which ensure
            adaptability over the years. Therefore,   The truth is that our company predicted   our reliability and solvency. Our vast
            it is vital for a company to continuously  our industry’s transition to the digital   experience has been built on solid
            monitor market trends, try to be ahead   age quite early. In parallel with digi-  foundations.
            of the competition, anticipate business  tising and constantly upgrading our   Our 93 years of successful presence
            developments, invest in new technologies,   operational structure and internal pro-  in the industry prove that a company
            and recruit qualified people. Our future is   cedures, in cooperation with our long-  can adapt and respond to challenges,
            driven by technology and sustainability;   term partners, we did the same with our   overcome obstacles, and deal with any
            therefore, a well-organised investment  product and services portfolio, espe-  difficulty.
            plan should always include new techno-  cially those related to navigation.
            logical innovations implemented by expert   For instance, we went from distributing
            staff. I firmly believe that investments   nautical paper charts to now covering
            should focus on two key pillars:  the human   the whole spectrum of navigation equip-
            factor and technology.            ment, including not only paper charts,
            Technology is the future, and the maritime   but also e-charts, display equipment and
            industry is already moving towards it more  more, while at the same time providing
            sustainably due to technological progress.   24/7 technical support. Vanos S.A. can
            People are the vital element moving us   propose a combination of solutions and
            forward by setting the standards, apply-  provide means to facilitate the transi-  Our vision is to move
            ing the latest technological innovations,   tion from paper to electronic format. The   forward steadily,
            upholding corporate values, and faithfully  company has already introduced spe-  without concessions
            following the business ethics principles.  cific cooperative schemes with partners   in our ethics or
            No equipment, software or other tech-  focused on creating, developing, and   the quality of our
            nological advance is helpful without the  providing high-end technology solutions.  services, confirming
            human factor that breathes life into it,                                  that VANOS S.A.’s
            ensuring customer satisfaction, mutual  How can a company benefit from its   people indeed are “Your
            trust, and respect.               long-standing traditions and turn      Trusted Partners”.
            At Vanos S.A., we choose people willing to   them into a competitive advantage?
            uphold the corporate culture and family  VANOS S.A. has always relied on its
            values that have driven our company for  founders’ fundamental family values,
            almost a century. They are the key to our   now endorsed by Katerina Vanos, who
            success story and the bright future that  belongs to the family company’s third
            lies ahead of us.                 generation. The Vanos family traditions
                                              are our personal and business compass
            How can a company of your size repo-  in retaining and evolving our company.
            sition itself to benefit from high-end   These traditions are based primarily

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