P. 124

         WE TRY

         TO BE


         One of Greece's longest-          How has the role of a ship supplier   and organisations within the broader
         standing and acclaimed ship       changed/evolved over the past years?  maritime cluster? What factors deter-
         supply companies has heavily      Over the past few years, technologi-  mine their success?
         invested in innovative            cal evolution and global fleet renewal   The demands on our industry are con-
         projects and state of the         have undoubtedly brought about  stantly changing due to new regulations
         art equipment providing           changes in ship supplies demand.   aimed at transforming the future of
         the best solutions to its         This change has been characterised by   shipping. The globalisation era leaves
         customers. Mr Manos Vassi-        the need for advanced technologies   us no choice but to build synergies to
         lopoulos talks about this         focused on safety and environmental   respond to the current challenges con-
         competitive sector and the        sustainability related to shipping com-  sistently and accurately.
         company's growth plans.           panies’ certifications or the requested   It is an integral part of Vanos S.A.’s
                                           product specifications.           nature to seek collaborations with reli-
                                           The traditional ship supplier model does   able partners to meet a rapidly devel-
                                           not suffice to address this new need, so   oping spectrum of needs and provide
                                           ship suppliers should focus on offering   integrated solutions to all of our cus-
                                           comprehensive technological solutions.   tomers. Our well-established synergies
                                           What differentiates a ship supply com-  and strategic partnerships project the
                                           pany from others is its deeper knowl-  image of a good ship supplier but also
                                           edge of products and services, which   demonstrate the value of being reliable,
                                           includes having technical expertise,  implementing innovative solutions, and
                                           identifying customer needs, and pro-  constantly striving to achieve goals,
                                           viding after-sales support.       rather than expecting instant success.
                                           At Vanos S.A., we try to be more than   Vanos S.A. maintains and supports
                                           just a supplier. Our mission is to act   long-term business relationships based
                                           as the shipping company’s partner who   on mutual trust, respect, and faithful
                                           tries to identify specific, fully person-  adherence to business ethics principles.
                                           alised solutions for any situation by
                                           applying a full range of products and   In your view, what are the most signif-
                                           services. It is important to emphasise  icant factors in the survival and suc-
                                           that our certifications, combined with   cess of Greek ship supply companies?
                                           the critical factors mentioned above,  In which sectors do you believe invest-
                                           are our most significant credentials that   ments are vital?
                                           attest to our operation as a reliable   Success is not only a word or a goal. It is
                                           supplier and as a precious partner.  also a critical performance indicator con-
                                                                             firming a company’s enduring presence
          An interview with Manos Vassilopoulos,   How do you view the synergies and  and the respect it enjoys in its field. To
          COO/Vice President of VANOS S.A.  collaborations between companies  succeed as a company, you must never

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