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         AND THE INTERNET                                                                     By: Manos Charitos

          The Naftika Chronika team conducts an annual   After excluding uncompleted or invalid
          survey of first-year students at the Merchant   questionnaires, the sample comprised 873
          Marine Academies of Greece to explore, among   responses, representing 65% of the 1,352 first-
          other things, their vision for their studies and   year Merchant Marine  Academies students.
          the factors that have determined their choice
          to follow the maritime profession.       THE AMOUNT OF TIME SPENT ON THE
          In the following pages, we present the second   INTERNET BY ASPIRING SEAFARERS
          part of the 2022 survey focusing specifically on   First-year students who took part in the survey
          the relationship of first-year maritime students   answered that they use the Internet quite a lot
          with the Internet.                       in their daily lives, which is not very surprising, as
                                                   technology and the Internet are essentially syn-
          SURVEY METHODOLOGY                       onymous with Generation Z, to which the survey
          For the survey, we created a 21-question ques-  participants belong.
          tionnaire  that  was distributed to first-year
          students of the Merchant Marine Academies   Figure 1: Distribution of the first-year students who participated in
          electronically during the period December   the survey based on the time they spend on the Ιnternet
          2021-February 2022, when the students were
          in the first semester of their studies , to be com-     35%
          pleted anonymously.                                   34%                               Total
          To analyse the data, we used the statistical soft-         31%
          ware STATA v.15.0.                               29%                                    Male
                                                      29%  28%
          DATA ANALYSIS                                                                           Female
          The initial sample consisted of 998 responses                        24%
          from first-year students from the country’s
          11 Merchant Marine  Academies and  War-                        21%  20%
          sash Maritime  Academy students study-
          ing at the Metropolitan College in Piraeus.

         1. Before distributing the questionnaire, there had been                  11%  12%
         correspondence with the Directorate of Maritime Education at
         the Ministry of Shipping and Insular Policy, which approved its                8%
         distribution to the Naval Academies.                                                     7%
         2. The specific period was considered appropriate as the                            5%
         first-year students would have attended a sufficient number of                        4%           1%
         courses and talked with representatives of shipping companies,                               0%  0%
         student organisations, and their colleagues to answer the
         questionnaire.                             >20h/week  10-20h/week 7-9h/week  5-6h/week  2-4h/week  <1h/week

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