P. 123

(*) Special acknowledgements to H.E. Julie Lymberopulos, Ambassador and General Consul of Panama in Greece, for her contribution and coordinating with
            the Panama Maritime for their replies in the questions of Naftika Chronika



            cising due diligence in aligning with environmental   The AMP has also reinforced the following mecha-
            and international transparency standards, promoting   nisms to improve fleet performance in the different
            the Registry through specialised media, investing  regions supervised by Port State authorities partic-
            in technology, and searching for new benefits and   ipating in Inspections MoUs:
            incentives for clients are also part of this strategy’s     –  The Directorate General of Merchant Marine
            implementation.                               Resolution No.106-183 of August 03, 2020,
            Becoming internationally competitive remains high   enacted measures for the detection and action
            on the agenda of Panama’s merchantmarine. To this   against vessels detained multiple times to
            end the Republic of Panama and the government   improve their condition and performance and
            of the People’s Republic of China have renewed   mitigate the recurrence of detentions. It also
            their Agreement on Maritime Transportation, which   ratified sanctions against Recognised Organisa-
            offers significant advantages to Panama-flagged   tions (ROs) or ships that commit serious errors
            vessels. A Business Intelligence Department has also   that negatively impact the Panamanian Regis-
            been established to strengthen the understanding   try’s image.
            between the two countries shipping businesses.    –  A flag inspection mechanism for vessels arriving
            The Registry’s strategy includes a complete revision   at US ports based on risk factors.
            and update of its standards within 2022 to comply     –  A pre-arrival checklist for Australian ports to
            with international market standards.          assist ship owners, operators, technical manag-
            In addition to the reengineering and reorienta-  ers, designated persons ashore (DPA), and vessel
            tion of the Registry, the strategy is contemplat-  masters in detecting weak points that may result
            ing, among other things, an aggressive and broad   in detention through a Port State Control Inspec-
            international marketing plan that includes creating   tion by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority.
            new departments, reassigning functions to exist-    –  An annual flag safety inspection for priority 1
            ing departments or sections, and adopting new   vessels arriving at any port in Italy, in line with
            technologies.                                 the Paris MOU inspection and screening scheme
            At the same time, the Directorate General of   for vessels.
            Merchant Marine has introduced measures το     –  A flag safety inspection for vessels operating in
            strengthen the flag inspection program, partic-  the Paris MoU ports: the above resolution spec-
            ularly on vessels calling at US ports eligible for   ifies that all Panama-flagged vessels over 20
            a US Coast Guard’s Port State Inspection (PSC),   years of age arriving at any port of the signatory
            and improve the control and compliance rate of   countries of Paris MoU will be subject to a flag
            the Panama Ship Registry fleet.               safety inspection (ASI) every six (6) months.
            These measures will encourage and promote a better   Currently, the Panamanian fleet performance is
            maritime industry by ensuring compliance with safety,   at 96%. Still, it is expected to improve further by
            security, and environmental standards. In addition,  implementing the above actions that will reduce
            the Registry is increasing the monitoring of vessels   detentions and optimise the Registry’s perfor-
            with deficiencies and detentions through regional  mance in the  various MoUs to  which Panama
            Port State Control regimes.                is a party.

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