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         Fuel                                     Greece predicts that in 2022 Greek tourism
         Recent data on the coastal shipping industry  performance will improve more, aiming for 2019
         is extremely worrying, as it shows that after the   levels. However, the current health crisis, com-
         32.4% increase in the average price of marine  bined with the increased uncertainty caused by
         fuel in 2021 compared to 2020 prices, the fuel   the Russian invasion of Ukraine, rising energy
         price increased further by an average of 28% in   costs in recent months, and reduced household
         February this year compared to December 2021.   purchasing power, act as barriers to the tourism
         This trend was maintained through the first weeks   industry’s recovery.
         of March.
         The price of VLSFO is still hovering above €1,000   A coastal market snapshot
         per tonne when in the same period in 2021, it was   This summer, 100 coastal ships served daily 115
         around €400.                             Greek islands connecting them with the mainland
         Before the pandemic and the Ukrainian war, fuel  or providing inter-island connections.
         costs comprised about 30-35% of ships’ operat-
         ing costs. With fuel price increases in the fourth   Demand Analysis
         quarter of 2021 and the first half of 2022 more   The development of Greek islands relies exclu-
         than double compared to the to the same period   sively on coastal shipping. Of the above 115 islands,
         in the previous period, fuel costs have soared to   only 25 have an airport; therefore, transport in the
         60-70% of ships’ operating costs.        remaining 90 is carried out only by sea. Overall,
                                                  85% of the freight and all the supply needs of
         Tourist traffic                          these 115 islands are covered by coastal vessels.
         In 2021, inbound tourist traffic doubled com-  The statistics published by the Hellenic Statis-
         pared to 2020, the year with the lowest number   tical Authority (ELSTAT) confirm the increase in
         of tourists in the last decade (7.4 million). Even   passenger and vehicle traffic in 2021 compared
         though 14.7 million tourists visited our country in   to 2020. In 2021, passengers increased by 44%,
         2021, this number is far from the high of 31 million   while total vehicles (cars and trucks) went up by
         tourists in 2019.                        37%. It is noted that ELSTAT has not published
         In its recently published report, the Bank of   separate data for cars and trucks.

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                             roup of companies                                                                                                                                                                         roup of companies
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