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          The PANAMA Ship Registry has grown by 9.6% in tonnage, adding 20.4M GT between July
          2019 and July 2022. It now has a total of 239.4M GT in tonnage capacity. According
          to IHS Markit, in July 2022, the Panamanian fleet comprised 8,587 vessels.


          Information     According to Panama Maritime Authority (AMP) sta-  International competitiveness, the dynamic and
          submitted by:    tistics, this year alone, the flag had grown by 1.39%   changing nature of the global shipping sector and
          Panama Maritime
          Authority       (or 3.9M GT) and recorded 27% fleet retention by the   businesses in the State of Panama related to the
                          end of July, representing a significant improvement   Panamanian Ship Registry require a national strat-
                          on the 10% retention rate at end-2021. During the   egy based on clear and transparent legislation that
                          same period, it also recorded a 9.3% decrease in   contributes to the sustainable development of its
                          cancellations due to a shipowner or operating com-  operations.
                          pany’s decision to transfer vessels to other registries.  The Ship Registry (under the Directorate General of
                          Clarksons Research data shows that in July 2019,   Merchant Marine) has established a series of perfor-
                          when the new AMP administration had taken over,   mance indicators to measure its productivity and the
                          the Panama Ship Registry was showing negative  efficiency and quality of its operational processes
                          growth (-2.7%), which required an immediate change  and services. Since 2020, the net GT growth goal
                          of strategy as the figures were very discouraging.   has been achieved by 68%, while the goals of gross
                          But by May 2020, almost a year later, the Registry   growth in ship numbers and gross growth in GT have
                          booked positive figures, finishing the year with 3.9%   been fully met.
                          growth and a 10.4M GT increase in tonnage.  The AMP has prioritised the revision and update of
                          The new administration has been analysing the global   Law 57, one of the legal frameworks on which the
                          shipping industry and monitoring the statistics of the  administration of the Panamanian fleet is based.
                          Panama Registry and its competitors.       This process began in 2020 and continues in con-
                                                                     sultation with the Panama Maritime Law Association
                                                                     (PMLA-APADEMAR). Law 57 was part of a strategy
                                                                     aimed at maintaining the leading position held by
                                                                     Panamanian shipping since 1993 and increasing its
                                                                     In addition to working on the General Law on the
                                                                     Merchant Marine revision and changes, the AMP,
                                                                     together with the General Directorate of Merchant
                                                                     Marine, the General Directorate of Seafarers, and
                                                                     the General Directorate of the Public Registry of
                                                                     Ship Ownership has been working on increasing the
                                                                     competitiveness of the Panamanian flag.
                                                                     The above actions reflect the administration’s faith-
                                                                     ful implementation of the national strategy based
                                                                     on four fundamental pillars: process reengineering,
                                                                     technological innovation, international compliance,
                                                                     and improvement of customer-oriented services.
                                                                     They have improved fleet compliance by purging the
                                                                     Panama Ship Registry of non-compliant ships, exer-

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