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of oil trade at risk.                    that “ThPA S.A. is consistently implementing its
         In 1990 and 2018, the level of the Rhine at the   development strategy and investment plan with
         Kaub point had also reached dangerously low lev-  emphasis on upgrading the infrastructure and
         els. However, in both cases this happened at the   equipment of the Port while improving the rail
         end of October. So, freight flows through the river   connection of the Port of Thessaloniki with the
         may also face challenges in the coming months.  bordering countries “.
                                                  From  September 2022, trains  will depart
         THESSALONIKI TRANSFORMED INTO A          from both Thessaloniki and Niš every week on
         COMBINED TRANSPORT HUB                   Wednesdays and Saturdays, arriving on the same
         Thessaloniki Port Authority SA (ThPA) launched   day at their respective destinations. ThPA S.A. is
         a new regular service with block trains between   ready to increase the frequency of the services,
         Thessaloniki and Niš, Serbia. The first block-  accommodating our partners’ demands in the
         train carrying containers from CMA CGM SA, a   dynamically growing Serbia.
         French container transport company pioneering
         from the Container Terminal of ThPA S.A. on the  GEOPOLITICS
         in the shipping and logistics sector, departed
         morning of Wednesday, 17 August and arrived at
         the Mbox terminal in Niš on the same day at a  GREECE - SAUDI ARABIA STRENGTHEN
         transit time of just 16 hours.           RELATIONS
         The service was made possible due to the coop-  At the end of July, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos
         eration between ThPA S.A. and the Greek-North-  Mitsotakis met with the Crown Prince of Saudi
         ern Macedonia-Serbia railway companies,  Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al
         namely Hellenic Train SA, MZ Transport A.D.,   Saud at the Maximos Mansion during his first
         Kombinovani Prevoz D.O.O. respectively and 9  official visit to Greece.
         other private and public entities.       The meeting took place in a positive atmosphere,
         The Executive Chairman of the BoD & Managing   indicative of the strong interest of both sides in
         Director of ThPA S.A., Thanos Liagkos, stated  the further deepening of close bilateral relations

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