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and the expansion of the dynamically developing   ing the significant investment opportunities in
                                 Greek-Saudi cooperation, which was also con-  port infrastructure and the land transport net-
                                 firmed during the visit of Kyriakos Mitsotakis to   work in Alexandroupolis. The two leaders also
                                 Riyadh on October 2021.                 focused on the new prospects for cooperation in
                                 Kyriakos Mitsotakis underlined the importance   digital connectivity, which can transform the two
                                 of the East to Med data Corridor (ECM) project.   countries into important regional data centres
                                 This undersea and terrestrial data transmission   due to their geographical location.
                                 cable system will connect Europe with Asia via   During the visit of the Crown Prince of Saudi
                                 Greece and Saudi Arabia and make Greece the   Arabia, a high-level Greece-Saudi Arabia busi-
                                 EU’s eastern gateway for the transfer of data   ness forum also took place.
                                 input while simultaneously connecting Greece  In the context of the forum, in the presence of
                                 to the Middle East and Asia             the Investment Ministers of the two countries,
                                 He also had the opportunity to present to the   Adonis Georgiadis and Khalid bin Abdulaziz
                                 Saudi Crown Prince the initiatives Greece has been   Al-Falih, sixteen business agreements and MoUs
                                 undertaking to become an energy hub connecting   between Greek and Saudi business groups and
                                 the broader region with European markets. In this  companies were signed in the fields of energy,
                                 context, the two leaders discussed the prospects   maritime and air transport, aquaculture, waste
                                 of cooperation between the two countries in the   management, culture, food and agricultural
                                 field of “green energy” and the possibility of trans-  products, construction, and defence technology.
                                 ferring electricity from Saudi Arabia to Europe via   On the Greek side, agreements were signed by
                                 Greece, which can become the “bridge” between   the following companies/groups: Aegean, Mytili-
                                 the Middle East and Europe.             neos S.A., Dynacom Tankers Management Ltd,
                                 Kyriakos Mitsotakis pointed out to the Crown  Sea Traders SA, Hellenic Environmental Center
                                 Prince of Saudi Arabia the new investment   SA, Theon Sensors SA, RAYCAP, Greek Energy
                                 opportunities that Greece offers in tourism   & Infrastructure Investment Corporation (GrEC
                                 infrastructure, the real estate market, maritime   Fund), Holroyd Holdings Ltd, Southpoint Mar-
                                 transport, and the logistics sector while stress-  itime SA, Chr. Stamatiou & Sons SA, Highway

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