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          Special Construction Systems SA, and Corinth   for approval of port visits to better police its
          Pipeworks Pipe Industry SA.             exclusive economic zones.
                                                  The suspension of entry was imposed following
          JAPAN PLEDGES $30 BILLION               an incident in which a US Coast Guard vessel, the
          INVESTMENT IN AFRICA AMID CHINA’S  Oliver Henry, could not make a port call because
          RISING INFLUENCE                        Solomon Islands authorities did not respond to
          Speaking virtually to a conference in Tunisia   its request for refuelling.
          focused on Japanese investment in Africa’s  “We have asked our partners to give us time to
          development, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio   review and put in place a new procedure before
          Kishida announced $30 billion in investments   sending further requests for military vessels to
          over three years in an apparent effort to counter   enter the country,” Prime Minister Sogavare said
          China’s rising influence on the continent.  in a statement.
          ‘’Japan aspires to be a partner growing together   Earlier, the American embassy in Canberra had
          with Africa. Japan contributes strongly to the  announced that the Solomon Islands government
          development of Africa by overcoming chal-  had informed the US that it was imposing a mor-
          lenges in Africa together with Africa. By doing   atorium on the arrival of US warships in its ports.
          so, Japan learns and grows too. Japan, as a   “On 29 August, the US received official notifica-
          partner, takes an approach  which focuses   tion from the Solomon Islands government that a
          on people. I have explained these ideas and   moratorium was imposed on all Navy visits, pend-
          received support from many African leaders.   ing the renewal of procedural protocols,” the US
          This also embodies the concept of the new form   embassy said.
          of capitalism that I have proposed,’’ said the   Relations between the Solomon Islands and
          Japanese Prime Minister.                the US have been strained due to the Solomon
          The US$30 billion as the sum of public and   Islands-China security deal in April.
          private financial contributions focuses on  A State Department spokesperson said the
          investment in people and quality of growth   refusal of berthing clearance to the Oliver Henry
          and aims for a resilient and sustainable Africa   was “regrettable”.
          while solving various problems faced by the
          Kishida also spoke of the need to protect the  PASSENGER SHIPPING
          African people.

          rules-based international order after Russia
          invaded Ukraine.                        THE MAPPING OF GREEK COASTAL SHIPPING
                                                  XRTC Business Consultants has published its
          TENSION IN US-SOLOMON ISLANDS           21st annual in-depth study on Greek Shipping
          RELATIONS                               entitled “Greek Coastal Shipping 2022: A new
          The Solomon Islands authorities have suspended   cycle of growth and opportunities”. The study
          entry into the island country’ s waters by foreign   focuses on the prospects and challenges of
          navy ships pending the adoption of a new process   Greek passenger shipping.

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