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DP WORLD PREPARES FOR                   APMT’s long-standing joint venture partner Delo
                                 ASIAN EXPANSION                         Group who also owns 30.75% of the shares in GPI.
                                 DP World has set its sights on Asian supply   The transaction has been undertaken on an arm’s
                                 chains with a new investment in Belawan Port in   length basis and includes an ability for APMT to
                                 the Straits of Malacca. More specifically, a new   re-enter the partnership with Delo in the future.
                                 joint venture between Dubai-based DP World  With the divestment of its shares in GPI, APMT
                                 and Indonesia’s sovereign wealth fund, in col-  will no longer be involved in any entities oper-
                                 laboration with Pelindo, Indonesia’s state port   ating in Russia or own any assets in the country.
                                 operator, will invest in developing the Belawan   The transfer of share ownership takes place after
                                 port infrastructure.                    regulatory approvals have been obtained.
                                 The $7.5 billion investment in Belawan Port,
                                 located in Sumatra, aims to transform the port  SCRUBBERS MARKET EXPECTED TO SOAR
 Edited by:                      by increasing its terminal capacity and connec-  AHEAD OF 2030
 Giannis Theodoropoulos, Manos Charitos  tivity with other large ports.  In the race to reduce emissions from shipping
                                 The port’s handling capacity is expected to   industry activities, scrubbers are proving to be
                                 increase to 1.4 million TEUs in the next six years,   a reliable ally. A recent Acumen, Research and
                                 which is expected to significantly strengthen the   Consulting report notes that the medium-term
                                                                         future of the marine scrubber market looks
                                                                         bright, as estimates for 2030 are talking about
                                                                         a market size of $16.4 billion.
                                                                         According to the report, the size of the scrub-
                                                                         bers market in 2021 was approximately $3.6
                                                                         billion, and it is expected to climb to $16.4 bil-
                                                                         lion by 2030. Although the total of scrubbers
                                                                         produced is not only used on merchant ships,
                                                                         the report indicates that merchant shipping will
                                                                         absorb a significant share between 2022 and
                                                                         In addition, due to stringent environmental reg-
                                                                         ulations, Europe is expected to remain a signif-
                                                                         icant player in the market. In terms of growth,
                                                                         the wider Asia-Pacific region is estimated to be
                                                                         the fastest growing by 2030.
                                                                         The report also notes that the need for scrub-
                                                                         bers is driven by environmental concerns. Other
                                                                         drivers are the potential effects of emissions on
                                                                         the health of seafarers and the rise in demand
                                                                         for bulk carriers and oil/chemical tankers.
                                                                         Nevertheless, certain factors, such as high
                                                                         installation and maintenance costs and the
                                                                         strong possibility of equipment oxidation, hinder
                                                                         the widespread adoption of scrubbers.
                                 port’s position in the Straits of Malacca as a vital
                                 artery of global maritime trade.        RUSSIA INVESTS IN FAR EASTERN
                                                                         BASIN PORTS
                                 A.P. MOLLER-MAERSK DIVESTS ITS          Russia is looking to invest in increasing the
                                 SHARE IN GLOBAL PORTS                   management capacity of its Far Eastern Basin
                                 A.P. Moller-Maersk’s terminals business, APM  ports. According to a report by the Russian
                                 Terminals (APMT), has entered into an agreement   news agency TASS, fifteen expansion projects
                                 to divest its 30.75% shareholding in Global Ports   are expected to increase cargo turnover by 117
                                 Investments PLC (GPI) to long-standing partner   million tons.
                                 Delo Group.                             This move by Moscow seems to be linked to
                                 Following the announcement of Maersk’s com-  its commercial ambitions in the wider Asia-Pa-
                                 mitment to discontinue activities in Russia earlier   cific region. The Deputy Minister of Transport
                                 this year, APMT has now entered into a binding   of Russia, Dmitry Zverev, said  “To expand the
                                 agreement, subject to regulatory approvals, to  freight turnover with countries of the Asia-Pacific
                                 divest its entire 30.75% shareholding in GPI to   Region, we are expanding our Far Eastern Basin

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