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                              ports. Fifteen projects, which will incrementally   of Gibraltar are again being monitored to check
                              increase our ports’ throughput capacity by 117   air pollution levels from nitrogen oxide and sul-
                              million tons  currently at the design and con-  phur oxide emissions released by passing ships.
                              struction stage - in addition to the existing port   The pollutant data gathered actively supports the
                              capacity of 300 mln tonnes per year”.   monitoring of compliance with existing regulations
                                                                      and, in doing so, can help to reduce the harmful
                                                                      effects on human health and the environment.
          BLUE ECONOMY                                                Emissions monitoring is one among the several
                                                                      purposes for which the aircraft can be deployed
                                                                      within the area of operation; other complementary
                                                                      tasks include pollution detection, suppression of
                              UK’S FIRST 100% CARBON NEUTRAL PORT     trafficking and smuggling operations, fisheries
                              The Port of Heysham, part of leading port oper-  control, and vessel traffic management.
                              ator Peel Ports Group, has reduced the carbon   The Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS)
                              emissions of its landside plant, equipment and   used is a Camcopter S100 uncrewed helicopter,
                              vehicles by up to 90%, in what is believed to be   which is operated by EMSA’s contractor, Nordic
                              a first for any UK port.                Unmanned. The RPAS is equipped with an emis-
                              The port has confirmed that all its vehicles, plant   sions sensor from the contractor Explicit. This
                              equipment, forklift trucks, tug masters and ancil-  analyses the gas samples taken as the RPAS flies
                              lary equipment are now operating on electricity  through the exhaust plume of the ship’s funnel
                              or Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO).    or stack. Calculations are then made to deter-
                              Whilst using 100% renewable electricity is the ulti-  mine sulphur and nitrogen levels. Indications
                              mate goal for the port operator, HVO uses plant-  of non-compliance can trigger an inspection at
                              based oils in its composition, which reduces CO2   the next port of call to determine whether an
                              emissions to the atmosphere by up to 90%, and   infringement has occurred.
                              direct emissions of particulate matter, such as dust,   This is the second emissions monitoring campaign
                              smoke and other fine materials, by up to 65%. HVO   to take place in the area, chosen for its proximity
                              can be substituted directly for diesel fuel and is   to busy shipping lanes, within the flight range of
                              broadly considered a greener option than diesel  the aircraft, and the expertise of the personnel
                              due to its lower NOx emissions.         monitoring maritime traffic in the area.
                              Due to its location in northwest England and prox-  Emissions surveillance operations such as these
                              imity to major industrial clusters, Heysham provides   will reinforce the recent approval of the Medi-
                              a critical and direct gateway to the Republic of   terranean Sea as an Εmission Control Area by
                              Ireland, Northern Ireland, and the Isle of Man.  the International Maritime Organization, which is
                              The Port of Heysham handles a wide range of cargo,   expected to come into force in 2025.
                              including Roll-on Roll-off, agri-bulks, automotive,
                              project cargo and energy products, and offers sig-  THE IMPORTANCE OF THE RHINE IN
                              nificant warehousing and storage facilities.  THE WORLD ECONOMY
                                                                      Plummeting water levels in Germany’s Rhine
                              EMSA DRONE OPERATING IN THE             River have been causing significant headaches
                              STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR AREA                in European supply chains. The drop in water
                              FOR MULTIPURPOSE MARITIME               levels at the river’s key points has led to reduced
                              SURVEILLANCE                            shipping traffic and a reduction in the permitted
                              EMSA’s remotely piloted aircraft is in operation in   weight carried per ship, significantly affecting
                              the vicinity of the Strait of Gibraltar, providing the   Germany’s energy supply chain.
                              Spanish Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban   6,900 river barges transport critical commodities
                              Agenda with the capacity to monitor sulphur and   such as coal, steel, chemicals, fuel, and grain
                              nitrogen emissions of passing ships. The initiative  across the Rhine. In 2020, an estimated 160 mil-
                              builds on the experience gained during a similar  lion tons of goods were shipped along this river.
                              operation which saw the aircraft’s special sniffer  The Rhine’s criticality for Germany’s energy secu-
                              capabilities for emissions monitoring. While the  rity is crucial as the river transports coal to the
                              Merchant Marine can use the measurements taken   country’s power plants.
                              to check the passing ships’ pollutant compliance,   At the same time, the Rhine is also used to
                              the flights can also be directed to support the   transport oil and diesel from the  Amster-
                              Spanish Maritime Safety Agency (SASEMAR) for   dam-Rotterdam-Antwerp (ARA) ports to Ger-
                              search and rescue.                      many and Switzerland. The disruption of inland
                              Spanish and international waters around the Strait   waterway oil transport puts 400,000 barrels/day

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