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not of appropriate quality, quantity, and nutri-
                                                                       tional value, and seafarers were not provided
                                                                       with adequate medical care after being injured
                                                                       During Part II of the fourth meeting of the Spe-
                                                                       cial Tripartite Committee (STC) of the Maritime
                                                                       Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006) held
                                                                       from 5 to 13 May 2022, amendments to MLC
                                                                       2006 and resolutions were adopted, entering
                                                                       into force by December 2024. Seafarers won
                                                                       significant concessions during the negotiations
                                                                       on the amendments to the MLC 2006 related
                                                                       to connectivity, food, and personal protective
                                                                       The New MLC Amendments were adopted to
                                                                       ensure that:
                                                                       •   Seafarers will have the appropriate per-
                                                                          sonal protective equipment (PPE) to pre-
                                                                          vent occupational accidents, injuries, and
                                                                          diseases on board;
                                                                       •   Appropriate measures will be in place to
                                                                          prevent or reduce the risk of exposure to
                                                                          harmful levels of ambient factors and chem-
                                                                          icals and minimise the risk of injury or illness
                                                                          that may arise from the use of equipment
                                                                          and machinery on board ships
                              The East Mediterranean and the Black Sea   •   Food and drinking water supplies will be:
                              region account for most shipping incidents   adequate  in  quantity,  nutritional value,
                              over the past decade (18% or 4,763 incidents).   quality, and variety, sufficient for the num-
                              Globally, most incidents have been caused by   ber of seafarers on board and the duration
                              machinery damage or failure (9,968), followed   and nature of the voyage; appropriate for
                              by collision (3,134), contact (2,029), piracy (1,995)   their religious requirements and cultural
                              and fire/explosion (1,747).                 practices concerning food; provided free
                              Finally, while total ship losses have dramatically   of charge during the period of their employ-
                              improved over the last decade, the problem with   ment onboard.
                              the loss of large container ships (X-Press Pearl)   •   States will further facilitate the prompt
                              and car carrier ships (Felicity Ace) due to fire   repatriation of abandoned seafarers.
                              remains a major headache for those involved   •   States will provide medical care to sea-
                              in shipping, especially insurers. Although there   farers needing immediate assistance and
                              is no reliable solution to the problem, several   facilitate the repatriation of the remains of
                              prototype fire prevention and fighting systems   seafarers who have died on board. Seafarers
                              are being tested, and we are awaiting the results   will be informed of their rights relating to
                              of these evaluations.                       the obligation of recruitment and placement
                                                                          services to compensate seafarers for mon-
                              MLC AMENDMENTS 2022                         etary losses.
                              We have been reading about many cases of ves-  •   All deaths of seafarers will be recorded and
                              sels being detained and banned from countries   reported annually to the ILO, and the rele-
                              due to MLC breaches. One such example is the   vant data will be published.
                              Liberian-flagged oil tanker, AG Neptune. On  •   Seafarers will be informed of their rights
                              17 June 2022, the Australian Maritime Safety   regarding the obligation of recruitment and
                              Authority (AMSA) banned the vessel from enter-  placement services to compensate seafar-
                              ing Australian ports for six months after receiv-  ers for monetary losses.
                              ing a complaint regarding the underpayment of   The adopted amendments will be implemented
                              seafarers and other welfare issues.     by the Flag States. Therefore, Companies should
                              During the inspection, the AMSA found evidence   seek information from their respective flag
                              that the seafarers’ employment agreement had   State(s) to update their existing Safety Man-
                              not been met, the food and drinking water were   agement System procedures.

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